Title: Oh The Places You'll Go
horizonssing Challenge:
Day ElevenDate Written: 7/15/08
Rating: PG/K+
Word Count: 614
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Characters/Pairings: Jack/Ianto, mentioned Doctor, Rose and Team
Spoilers: Up through Torchwood Season 02 and Doctor Who 04.
Warnings: None
Author Notes: Bribe for more
teachwriteslash fic, title from Dr. Seuss. And I don't say this often enough, but a huge thank you to my totally awesome beta
totally4ryo -- love ya girlie!
There are places in the universe that are so heartbreakingly, amazing beautiful that even someone who's lived as long as Jack has to stop and just... stare.
Jack's always had an affinity with beaches, they remind him of home. It's one of the things that kept him settled when he was in Cardiff waiting for the Doctor, the scent of salt air permeating the Hub. It made him feel safe, secure while his world was still all topsy-turvy.
He'd seen Women Wept with the Doctor and Rose all those years ago, the planet of icy waves. The planet's sun had disappeared straight out of the sky, or maybe it had been knocked out of orbit, the Doctor had never explicitly said, but somehow the planet's heat source had been lost, and without a strong atmosphere the planet had flash-frozen. He had walked among the hundred-foot storm waves by himself for hours, the fury of the ocean immortalized for anyone who could to see it.
Back when he'd been in the Time Agency, he'd skived off of work to go to the leisure planet Midnight, and had traveled out by shuttle to the Multifaceted Coast to see the Sapphire Waterfall. The Coast wasn't water per se but shifting blue gems that moved to and fro from the breeze -- Midnight had an atmosphere, but the xtonic radiation wasn't filtered out, so no one could step foot on the surface. He'd spent hours, literally, nose pressed against the thick glass, staring at the glittery sea, imagining the musical tinkling of the shifting sea.
Nash Point, Wales, UK wasn't known in his time for an amazing view. Why it had to take a UFO sighting to get him out here, he'd never figure it out.
The cliffs just -- just stopped, sheared off, straight down hundreds of feet. Jack got as close to the edge as he dared (meaning he was right on the precipice, the dizzying feel of vertigo thrumming through him) and looked down. The stone below was rough-cut, as if a giant had come along and cut out bricks from the very living earth, or maybe laid them down and covered it with a moss-green blanket.
The roar of the ocean filled his ears and he closed his eyes against the salty breeze. He could feel the salt to his skin and he licked his lips, tasting it.
Ianto's voice was quiet and surprising at his back, but Jack had long-controlled his impulse to jump. Instead he turned around and smiled at the young archivist.
"The UFO was just a plane," Ianto said, holding up his PDA, which displayed the flight log for the RAF. "They held a training exercise two nights ago, the locals weren't expecting a plane flying about at midnight."
Jack smiled. "Good. Do the others know?"
Ianto shook his head. "I was about to call them."
"Wait a bit." The Welshman tilted his head to the side and Jack held out a hand. "How about a walk along the beach first?"
Blue eyes flicked down to Jack's outstretched hand before flicking back up again. He gave Jack one of his rare, soft smiles as he took Jack's hand. "The others will wonder why we took so long."
The Captain lifted the hand to his mouth, pressing a kiss to Ianto's knuckles. "I can't think of a better excuse to play hooky from work than you."
Ianto rolled his eyes but blushed prettily. Jack smiled and tugged gently, leading him on the path down towards the beach.
Places could heartbreakingly gorgeous, but, to Jack, it was the person he shared them with that made them all the more beautiful.