Normally me liking something is the kiss of death for a new show but here's the news for this year's TV renewals/cancellations (or at least the ones I've been watching) so far:
How to Get Away With Murder - absurd, but I do love Connor
Agent Carter - \o/
Brooklyn Nine Nine - surely not a surprise to anyone?
Sleepy Hollow - wasn't looking
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Comments 9
And I have to admit that the character of Tom Keen is becoming, for me, the most intriguing person on the show.
I can't explain Grey's Anatomy any more than I can explain the wacky world of reality tv.....
The only unconvincing thing for me with Tom's recent shenanigans was the tattoos - there is no way you can get a new tattoo and have it look like it's not 5 minutes old, even once the swelling goes away. My favourites are Ressler (particularly when he was on his 'I don't care what happens to me' schtick when his girlfriend got killed) and I have a major soft spot for the relationship between Aram and Agent Navabi.
That's a very good description of him. The overall plot of the show itself is one of those things where I'm not certain how long it can reasonably be stretched out for and I have significantly less interest in the other characters so we'll see how long it holds my interest.
Likewise, Grimm. I feel like we've gone back in time to early SG-1 territory again, with the whole Hathor debate - naturally most people watching won't perceive having sex with someone when you think they're someone else as non-consensual, because the person being fooled was a man. Again, I'm a bit ambivalent about next season, but I'll see how they run the season out...
I think you'd like iZombie - it's got an entertaining premise, with stuff going on for each episode and an overall story arc. It succeeds greatly by not being yet another formula cop show with a detective with a difficult past meeting a by-the-book partner who blah ( ... )
Many viewers will just view it as Nick having been fooled, not that he was raped, because hey, he got to have hot sex with a woman he thought was his girlfriend. If it was the other way around, it would be seen a lot differently, especially since a pregnancy was the result. I wonder if they'll ever deal with how Nick feels about all of it, or if it will be forgotten in the wake of the events of the season finale.
I'm usually the kiss of death for new shows as well, so I often miss the beginning of them and just wait for DVDs.
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