Almost Everything 13/15 [Lure Big Bang]

Jul 19, 2010 14:20

Almost Everything Master Post

Chapter Thirteen

Listening to Reid's advice, Luke spent most of the next couple of days at home. It wasn’t that he was in pain, so much as trying to build his strength and find ways to work without being uncomfortable. Every time he breathed, he felt a twinge in his side. Luke would head into the shipping offices or the foundation for a couple of hours each day. Slowly, he was making up all the ground he had lost when he had spent his time focusing on Noah and his recovery.

During that time, when Natalie and Ethan had come over, they were great. Luke loved seeing them. He especially appreciated the fact that Reid had invited his siblings over. Reid had gently explained about Luke’s accident and that they would have to be careful around their brother. Natalie wasn’t much of a concern. She was mostly focused on her science project, and Luke loved watching Reid with his sister. The doctor was patient and when they left, he returned Natalie’s hug of thanks. Seeing Reid like that, it made Luke want him more. Every time he would try to say something to Reid, he would see the shield up around him. Luke knew with Reid it would have to be all or nothing, and Luke wasn’t quite there yet. So he decided to focus on his work.

Luke was just about to head out of the shipping office when a man he'd never seen before appeared in front his desk. The man looked harmless enough. He wore an expensive suit and had an air of class about him, but there was still something off. Luke shifted uncomfortably in his chair. He hadn't heard the man come in and that had added to his discomfort.

"What can I do for you?" Luke questioned, trying to keep a tremor out of his voice.

"My name is Alessandro Moretti."

The name didn't sound familiar to Luke at all, but the Italian accent was distinctive. Luke suddenly realized he was right to be uncomfortable around this man. "What do you want Mr. Moretti?" he asked wearily.

"Well, Signor Grimaldi-"

"It's Oliver," the blonde responded instantly.  It had become a habit now, to refer to himself by Reid's name. "Luke Oliver." He stood up as best he could and leveled his gaze at the gentleman in front of him. Luke wanted this conversation over with now.

"Yes, I was advised that you had married," Signor Moretti responded. The cold gaze upon him was a little disconcerting, but he knew it would be worse if he did not succeed in the reason for his visit. "Signor Oliver," the man amended, but it appeared to do nothing to lessen Luke's disdain. "I am here on behalf of your father."

It was on the tip of Luke's tongue to correct him that Damian was not his father, but he knew the action would be pointless. "What does Damian want?" Luke asked instead.

"Signor Grimaldi-Damian-understands that you have recently married and as such you are able to gain access to the inheritance he established for you. He has a requirement though before he will agree to release the money: he wants you to see him at the prison."

Luke shook his head. How did he know that this was going to happen? He and Reid had been living together for several weeks now. Every time he talked to Lucinda, she assured him that her team of lawyers was working to get the money to him. In the interim, WorldWide had been supplementing some of the promises made by the Foundation, but Luke knew that wouldn't be able to last much longer. Most of the time, Luke had been in a state of anxiety over Noah and nervousness over Reid that he would not allow himself to think about the money or worry about the delays. He even had asked Lucinda if he needed to talk to Damian, but she had assured him that it was as simple as getting married. A lone rueful thought entered his mind as though marriage was something simple.

"Why?" Luke asked.

"I beg your pardon?" The representative had watched Luke's anger continue to grow, not sure where this was going. All of Signor Moretti's encounters with Damian had been civil, especially in light of the gross injustice the man had at first being imprisoned and second for still being held in America. The least they could have done was have him transferred to Malta. Damian had talked often of his son, Luciano, and there was always pride in his voice. It was hard to reconcile all the distance between them.

"Why do I need to visit Damian? It is my money, right?" Luke pointed out as he slowly made his way from around the desk. His ribs were still a little sore. With his good hand, he reached across his stomach and tried to hold them in place. "The stipulation was I have to wait until I'm 30 or I get married. Now, I know I'm only 22, but I have been lucky enough to find the man I want to spend the rest of my life with." Luke wasn't sure how much of what he said was going back to Damian, and he wasn't about to admit he married Reid to get the money. "So why does Damian need to see him? I've said my good-byes, he knows that."

"Signor Gri- Oliver," Moretti continued. "Are you all right?"

"I had a slight accident-here actually," Luke said ruefully. "But tell Damian…" He shook his head. "No, forget it. Damian wants to see me? Fine. But tell him the visit will be about discussing the money and that is all. We will not discuss my marriage. He will not be seeing my husband, and the moment he starts to talk about anything other than this trust fund, I'm out the door." He tried to stand up straighter and grimaced as pain shot through his side. When he realized how annoyed Reid was going to be with him, he felt another wave of discomfort. He could hear his husband's voice already telling him he was an idiot for overdoing it. Luke wondered if there was some way he could visit Damian without Reid knowing.

"Very well, Signor Oliver. I will tell your father what you said." Moretti turned and walked back toward the door. "However, I do not believe he will agree to any of your stipulations. He cares very deeply for you. He'll want to know how-"

Luke held up his hand. "Good-bye, Mr. Moretti."

The gentleman quickly shut his mouth and turned on his heel. As soon as the man was gone completely, Luke leaned heavily against his desk. "Now what do I do?" he wondered.


Reid wanted nothing more than to write this last patient note and head home to his husband. Even after almost six weeks, it was still difficult to acknowledge he was married. Sure he liked to toss off the title, especially when it pissed off Noah or got a rise out of Luke. He enjoyed arguing with the blonde more than almost anything else, but he was married. No matter what they called it, a marriage of convenience or a business arrangement, he still had a platinum band on his left hand and a slight thrill whenever he heard Luke refer to himself as Luke Oliver.

“Got a minute?” Chris Hughes appeared in his doorway.

Reid generally stayed clear of the younger Hughes, and he didn’t expect this time to be any different. “Actually, no, I’m going home,” the redhead said. He was hoping to go home and watch the Cubs game with Luke. He could practically taste the cold beer already.

Chris crossed his arms over his chest, and Reid didn’t like where this was going.

“What?” Reid asked.

“I need a consult.”

The redhead knew that it had to be serious if Chris was stopping by to see him. “Fine.”

“Really?” Chris asked. He had a whole argument ready, not expecting Reid to agree so quickly.

“Do you want my help or not?” Reid questioned. “Because I have a cold beer and a hot husband to get home to.”

“Okay, first of all, that’s too much information,” Chris said and Reid chuckled. “And second, you’re actually happy?” Chris’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he took a step closer. His eyes locked onto Reid’s face.

The redhead shifted for a moment. “What?”

“I’m looking for a lobotomy scar.”

“Funny. Do you want the consult or not?”

“Yeah, come on,” Chris said, leading Reid down to the hall to his patient.

A half hour later, Reid was walking back to his office. He tried to ignore the fact that Chris was still at his heels. Reid had been able to provide the right diagnosis, promise the patient’s parents he would take the case, and set up an appointment with them for later in the week. What Reid couldn’t figure out was why Doogie Hughes was still following him. Finally, he turned and crossed his arms over his chest.

“Has it been so long since you’ve seen a real doctor work that you want to study me?” Reid asked.

“How’s Katie?” Chris finally asked.

That wasn’t what Reid was expecting, and he honestly wasn’t sure how to respond. The wonderful thing about Dallas and so far in Oakdale, his reputation had kept him out of the hospital gossip ring. Now that he lived in the town that time forgot and he was creating roots for himself, it would be inevitable that someday this conversation would take place. It didn’t mean Reid had to make it any easier. “How should I know how Katie is?” he asked in return. “I moved out when I got married.”

“Yeah, but you’re friends, right? Knowing Luke he probably wants to encourage you to still see her.”

“What do you know about Luke?” Reid asked suspiciously.

Chris chuckled softly. “I know my nephew, Casey, and him are good friends. Now, can we get back to the topic at hand? How’s Katie?”

Reid hadn’t really gotten a chance to talk to her too much. After Luke’s accident, his husband had been Reid’s focus and not being away from home too much. When he’d called Katie to stay with Luke just a few days ago, he couldn’t talk because of his emergency. Later that night though, after Luke had gone to bed, and Reid was sitting in his study trying to work, he had called Katie. He claimed that he knew she would track him down and demand details, but he really missed his roommate and one of the few people who seemed to understand him. She assured him that Luke was all right, and even though Reid could have gotten up and walked down the hall to check on Luke, it was enough to know that Katie believed that as well. They hadn’t discussed Chris, and the last time the topic of Doogie had come up was when she told him and Luke about their kiss. It was on the tip of Reid’s tongue to suggest he talk to Luke, but he thought better of it.

“Katie’s fine,” Reid finally answered.

“Fine?” Chris asked incredulously. “Gee, thanks, Oliver, that’s really helpful.”

“Look, my husband was in an accident, I haven’t gotten a chance to sit down for ice cream and a bitch session with Katie for a while. My mind’s been on other things. If you’re so concerned, why don’t you talk to her yourself? Don’t you do stuff for her show?”

“Actually, I quit.”

“Because you kissed her?” Reid deduced.

Chris was stunned for a moment. “Wh-what? She told you?”

“Mostly she talked to Luke. He’s more understanding about that sort of thing,” Reid replied and shrugged his shoulders as though it was a ridiculous sentiment. “So what? She turned you down and you quit in a huff?”

“It’s not that,” Chris began, and he shook his head. He couldn’t believe he was talking to Reid of all people about this. “I just think…I know she’s been hurt. I know she’s scared, but I hate seeing her cut herself off from the world.”

“She’s not,” Reid said. “She has her show; she has Jacob.”

“You sound like Katie. You know, for some people, they do have a life outside of work. I know that’s probably a difficult concept for you to grasp, but maybe you should ask your husband. Luke seems to live a well-rounded life. Well, until he married you that is,” Chris finished with a smile.

Reid smirked back. “Tell me, do the dimples work? You say asinine things to me, but then flash the dimples and I’m supposed to forgive you?”

Chris quickly lost his smile. “I want her to be happy. I think I can make her happy, but she…she won’t let me. She won’t let me in.”

Reid would most likely deny this. He honestly had no idea why he was doing this, but he decided to talk to Chris. “She used to cry. Do you have any idea how hellish it is to listen to that woman cry?” Reid asked.

“Does she still-”

“No.” Reid shook his head. “You and your father…you think that there is more to life than work, that you should surround yourself with other people.”

“Family is not a bad thing,” Chris pointed out. “It’s nice to have support, people you depend on.”

“But they’re not always there. Work she can control and with matchmaking, she can move people around like chess pieces. That’s something she can control. Feeling helpless, finding love and losing it, I don’t think she can survive another loss.”

“See that’s the thing though.” Chris crossed his arms over his chest and held up his finger. “I just want a chance to love her and love Jacob. I don’t want to take Brad’s place; I just want a chance.”

Reid stood for a moment, wishing he could call Luke because the blonde would know what to say. “Then wait,” he finally told Chris. “If you want to help her, wait until she’s ready to come to you. Don’t push her. She’ll just want to retreat even further from you.”

Chris took in the words, surprised that Reid was so insightful and even more so that he was willing to help. “Is that what Luke did?” he finally asked.

“What?” Reid’s eyes narrowed in confusion.

“Well, as you so graciously reminded me, you’re married, Reid. I figured you’d be the last person to get married, since your job is so important and little things like love and support of a partner are so disdainful to you. But Luke must have done something to change your mind.”

The redhead wasn’t quite sure how to respond. He knew they always had to keep up appearances, but in a way, it wouldn’t be a lie. Before Chris had come to see him for that consult, he was actually looking forward to leaving the hospital, to going home to someone, to not be completely focused on his work. “He’s Luke,” Reid said simply. “Caring about people oozes from his pores, it’s just who he is.”

“And you’re okay with…” Chris’s voice trailed off.


“Well, it’s not the same, I know, but Noah was a big part of Luke’s life and Noah’s still around. You’ve given him back his eyesight. I know you guys are married-”

“I have panic attacks.” The words slipped out so quickly; Reid barely recognized them as his own.

“I’m sorry, what?” Chris asked. He knew what Reid had said, but panic attacks and Reid Oliver were two things that simply did not go together.

Reid looked around and quickly made sure the door to his office was closed. “I have panic attacks. I’m married, for pete’s sake. I’m actually looking forward to going home to see my husband. I’m not that guy. I don’t do this. I don’t do relationships and domestic bliss.”

“Maybe you should have thought about that before you got married,” Chris offered with a helpful smile.

“Again the dimples don’t work on me,” Reid countered.

“Well, do you want me to write you a prescription?”

“No.” He shook his head. “Being around Luke, I get panicked. You…” He grimaced slightly. “You were right. Noah is very much a part of Luke’s life and despite the fact that we’re married…” Reid let out a breath. “It feels like Noah is there with us, this thing hanging over our heads. I have these moments where I’m not at the hospital or I’m not working, and I’m just with Luke and I’m happy.”

“Then you panic,” Chris deduced, “even though you have Luke, someone who just wants a chance to make you happy. Why can’t you let him do that?”

“I’ve never given anyone that kind of control, that kind of power, to decide if I’ll be happy or not.”

Chris looked at him for a moment. “Yeah, well here’s the thing, Reid. As happy as you are cutting into people’s brains, you could have this whole other layer of happiness, a life even. And since the guy married you and not Noah, I think he’s planning on making you happy.” He turned. “Thanks for telling me about Katie,” he said, his hand on the door.

“When she gets scared,” Reid said, and he honestly hoped Katie wouldn’t be too angry with him for doing this. “When she wants to push you away and when she tries to hurt you because it’s something she can control-hurting you, getting you out of her life on her terms-don’t take it too personally. She’s doing it survive.”

Chris looked at him for a moment, taking in Reid’s words. “Yeah. And when you’re with Luke, don’t think about everything that could go wrong. Just enjoy the moment and don’t focus on pushing him away. Because that control you love so much, it’ll be the only thing you have.” Chris opened the door. “And let me know if you need that prescription.” He flashed a grin and left.

“The dimples still don’t work on me!” Reid called after him.


When Reid got home that evening, he found Luke sitting on the couch. Exhaustion made his face look pale, and Reid itched to sit down next to Luke and take him in his arms to comfort him. It was such a foreign feeling and so disconcerting that he started to feel a pounding his chest. He swallowed and took a couple of deep breaths, hoping to keep a panic attack at bay.

"Luke?" he said as he walked further into the living room and sat down next to his husband. "How are you feeling?"

The younger man turned in surprise because he had not heard Reid come in, and he was a little surprised by the concern. He knew that Reid cared. He didn't have to say it, but Luke knew. He supposed it was the confirmation of that care that left Luke feeling surprised. "I'm tired," Luke finally admitted.

Reid grimaced slightly. "I don't want you overdoing it at work. Let me, uh… I'll go to Al's and get take-out."

Luke smiled. It was nice to have someone actively take care of him. He'd pushed himself physically and emotionally with Noah, and when that ended, he didn't know what to do, what to focus on. He threw himself into his work, but he still missed Noah. It wasn't until then that he realized he missed having someone look after him, check on how he was feeling, offer to get dinner. It was nice, and he knew it was about to change because Luke would have to tell Reid about Moretti's visit and Damian's request.

Taking a breath for courage, Luke held out his hand and placed it on Reid's thigh. He wanted to stop the doctor before he headed out again, wanting to get this conversation over with.

Reid sat completely still for a moment, not sure what to do with Luke's hand on him. But then, he gently placed his hand on top of the younger man's. "It's more than just work and the accident," Reid stated. "Something else has happened." He tried to brace himself for whatever was going to come out of Luke's mouth. Since the first dozen phone calls came from Luke to his office in Dallas, Reid should have known his life would be altered in some way. Married and caring about Luke weren't the things he expected though.

"A man came to see me today," Luke began, his voice soft and a little scratchy as though even the simple task of speaking was too much. "He's one of Damian's representatives."

Reid immediately felt his gut react. This time it wasn't panic, although he was concerned for Luke, it was anger. Anger that after all this time, Luke's biological father was still trying to hurt his son. While Reid and his own father hadn't gotten on too well, he knew that Stephen Oliver would never do anything to cause the kind of pain that Damian had caused Luke and the rest of his family.

"…I have to visit Damian," Luke finished.

Reid had been so caught up in his own concern that he hadn't heard all of what Luke had told him.


The blonde shuddered slightly; the anger in Reid's voice wasn't something he had heard in a while. "Reid, I know. Seeing Damian is the last thing I want as well, but Moretti said if I want to see that money, and-" Luke slipped his hand free from Reid's. "That was the whole reason we got married, the money."

"I don't want you anywhere near that man," Reid insisted. Even from the distance of a jail cell, he was hurting Luke.

"I know, but Reid, it’s the only way."

"Then I'm coming with you," Reid stated, leaving no room for argument.

But either Luke didn't hear it or he ignored it, since he said, "No. I don't want you anywhere near Damian."

"Why?" Reid asked, crossing his arms over his chest. "Don't you think I can pull it off? You should be worried about yourself. We need to make this look real you said, especially for 'bad dad.' He'll take one look at you and wonder why in the hell you didn't marry Noah."

Luke was too tired to assure Reid at this moment; he knew that Reid wanted an answer to that question, and it had nothing to do with Damian. “Reid…” He slowly shifted closer to his husband, and his leg brushed against the redhead’s. “The brilliant plan to get you here…” Luke began. With his good hand, he slowly ran his fingers up and down Reid’s thigh. He wanted to touch him and reassure Reid that he was there, and if need be to grab the older man and prevent him from getting up. “That was Damian’s idea.”

Briefly distracted by the feel of his husband’s hand, Reid didn’t comprehend all that Luke was telling him.

“I couldn’t get you here through my annoying phone calls, so Damian suggested I blackmail you. This is the man who tried to kill my aunt, set up my father for murder, and if it hadn’t been for you…” Luke’s voice trailed off, and his hand stopped as well. “Do you think I would want you anywhere that man?” Luke questioned.

Reid reached out and cupped Luke’s cheek in his hand. “And do you think I want him to hurt you?”

Leaning into the comforting touch, Luke answered, “He won’t hurt me. Damian loves me.”

The doctor’s eyes narrowed slightly. “That’s what sociopaths do, Luke, they hurt people and they have excuses like they love them. I may not know the whole Grimaldi history. When you blackmailed me, I did some research, but mostly on you,” Reid admitted. “And you said he won’t hurt you, but he has hurt you so much already.” He smiled softly. “Besides, what kind of fake husband would I be if I let you go there alone?”

Luke pulled away from Reid's grasp. "You don't have to do this."

"Yes, I do." He stood up and pressed a soft kiss to Luke's forehead. "I'll go get dinner. Do you want that turkey club I got you last time or something else?"

"No, that sounds good," he told Reid. "Thank you."

Reid didn't respond but offered another smile, and then he headed out the door. The older man didn’t want to think about “bad dads” and pretend marriages; he just wanted to make Luke feel better.


Two days later, Luke found himself sitting in a prison waiting room. Reid was pacing. He had been in a constant state of motion since they got out of the car. During the first part of the three hour drive there, Reid offered to answer any questions Luke had about his life. The blonde wasn't sure if Reid was offering as a way to get Luke's mind off the situation or if he thought Damian would give them some sort of test, check on the legitimacy of their relationship. But not to be deterred from learning more about the man he was sharing his life with, Luke did ask Reid questions, wanting to know what drew him to medicine and why he chose to specialize in neurology. He shouldn't have been surprised that Reid wanted to know how people thought, since he'd learned at a young age, he didn't seem to think the way others had-and it was more than the fact that Reid was gay. Luke had been dying to ask questions about Reid's past though, how many men there were, if he'd ever been in love. Luke's own past was limited to Noah, and he wanted to be on a more even ground with Reid. But every time he tried to ask, he'd stop. He didn't want Reid to be forced into opening up about his life; he wanted Reid to tell him on his own.

Once they got to the prison, the older man helped Luke to get out of the car. He was healing well. He was just a little stiff, especially after the long drive. As Reid's right hand reached for Luke's and his left grasped Luke's arm at the elbow, he said, "Peter Mitchell."

"What?" Luke asked, turning in surprise, his face mere inches from Reid's.

"He was the guy…before coming here…before whatever this was…I loved Peter. He was a drug rep, kind of perky, very pushy-part of the job. We were together about eight months. That's the longest relationship I've ever been in."

Luke stilled, taking in the information and holding it close. "What happened?"

"He wanted to be more than the guy he slept with when he was in Dallas. Part of what I found so appealing was he didn't stay in town that long, weekends here and there; it was all I could give. So he said good-bye, and I haven't heard from him since then."

"Do you regret…” He stopped for a moment. “Do you still think about him?"

"No." Reid shook his head. "It's over and I'm fine with that, but I thought you should know. I thought maybe you needed to know."

Luke nodded in response. "Yeah, I did, thank you…" he paused and his grip tightened on Reid's. "I mean, thank you for knowing that I needed to know and being willing to share that with me."

"Yeah.” Reid wasn’t used to showing any kind of emotion that wasn’t anger, and he was a little uncomfortable. “Well, let's go see 'bad dad.'"

They went through the security points and had their ID’s checked. They were stared at by the guards and a couple of prisoners in the waiting room. The whole time Reid either paced or his left hand bounced against his leg. Luke wanted to tell him to relax, but somehow knowing the usually unflappable Reid Oliver was nervous and going through all of this just for him actually made Luke feel better, like maybe with Reid's support he could get through this meeting after all.

Suddenly, the door opened, and as Damian was led into the small room, Reid moved and sat down next to Luke. He kept his right hand on the table, and his left hand reached for Luke’s. The blonde gave him a grateful smile before turning to face his father.

“Luciano,” Damian greeted him. He appeared thinner and haggard.

“It’s Luke,” he tried to correct. “And this is my husband, Dr. Reid Oliver.”

Damian had barely acknowledged Reid’s existence; he was so focused on Luke. He had heard that Luke had married. A wealthy, young man marrying one of the top surgeons in the world makes the papers. But more than that, Damian had tried to keep track of Luke and Lily. He’d known instantly who Reid was, having remembered his advice to his son to get the doctor to Oakdale. But Damian still found it difficult to believe. He was certain that Luke had gotten into a hasty marriage for the money. Damian wasn’t necessarily opposed to the idea. Luciano was going after what he wanted, but Damian wanted to know why, especially since Luke wasn’t married to Noah.

Reid watched Damian for a moment, trying to see if he could gauge Damian’s next move. He hadn’t planned to say anything, but he didn’t want Damian to hurt Luke either. In a way, he was curious as well. Luke had made a point of telling him in the past that he was trying not to be Damian’s son. Reid also wondered if there was any resemblance between the two men.

“Congratulations,” Damian finally said.

Luke let out a bark of laughter. “You’re happy that I got married?”

“Well, of course, your happiness means the world to me. I must admit I was surprised that it wasn’t Noah. How is he doing?”

Reid stiffened slightly, and his grip on Luke’s hand tightened. It wasn’t just that Reid felt like he had to fight Luke’s memories of Noah, but everyone in Luke’s family was enamored of the brunette. Reid couldn’t figure out why. All he had seen was Luke doing everything he could to make Noah happy, and it was never enough for the brunette.

“Noah’s fine,” Luke replied. He turned and looked at Reid. “My brilliant husband performed the surgery recently. Noah’s eyesight is almost fully restored.”

Damian could admit he was a little impressed. Not so much with Reid’s work, Luke had told him the importance of Reid Oliver doing Noah’s surgery, but the way Luke had responded. Despite the fact that he hadn’t been a part of Luke’s life, he thought he could still read him. There was something there, not just a show going on. Luke’s eyes seemed to light up when he mentioned the surgery, and it wasn’t due to Noah’s vision.

“That’s wonderful. Please tell him-”

Luke held up his left hand. “I don’t think Noah wants to hear from you.”

“What happened to you, Luciano?” Damian demanded, noticing the cast on Luke’s wrist.

“Where do I start?” Luke countered. “You framed my father-”

“I think he means the cast,” Reid whispered quietly in Luke’s ear.

“Oh,” the wind was knocked out of his argument quickly. All Luke wanted to do was get out of there. He felt like Reid during one of his panic attacks. The walls seemed to be getting closer, and the air was too thick. “I had an accident at work.”

“The Foundation?” Damian leaned closer, trying to find out as much as he could about Luke.

“No.” Luke hastily shook his head. “On the docks. I’ve…” He suddenly felt very tired, and he was grateful when he felt Reid’s grip tightened. It was an assurance that he was there and they could leave whenever Luke needed to. “I’ve been trying to keep Grimaldi Shipping alive.”

Damian was touched. His representative had neglected to mention that he had found Luke at the Grimaldi Shipping offices. He would have to have a long conversation with Moretti. “Luciano, that’s wonderful. You know how proud I was of you when you started working there. There’s still so much I could teach you.”

“I’ll bet,” Reid muttered.

Luke sent him a dirty look, and Reid pretended to find the gray walls suddenly very fascinating.

“Luciano,” Damian tried to get Luke’s attention again. “You know that I love you and your mother very much, that’s why-”

“Why you tried to keep my father away from me? Why you tried to have him sent to prison?” Luke countered.

“I told you,” Reid pointed out triumphantly. “Isn’t that what sociopaths say?”

“Reid, shut up,” Luke gritted. This was all getting to be too much. He had wanted Reid there for support, and then he remembered that Reid wasn’t exactly the warm and caring type.

“Tell me, Dr. Oliver, what would the AMA think of you marrying the partner of one of your patients?” Damian questioned.

Before Reid could respond, Luke stood up. “You love me?” he asked Damian. “You love me so you threaten the man I married?”

Damian stood up as well. He desperately wanted to reach out for Luke, but he knew the guards would be in there the moment he tried. “Luciano, please, I just want you to be happy-”

“I am!” he countered. “Reid makes me happy. Working at my foundation, building the Snyder Pavilion, arguing about plans and what type of scope Reid thinks is the absolute best-that makes me happy. Knowing that the money I will get from my trust fund will help people like Noah, people who have no one else, who were told they could never see again…” He stopped, when he felt tears start to prick his eyes. He didn’t want to appear weak, not in front of either one of them. “Even working at Grimaldi Shipping makes me happy because those people deserve so much more than me, but I’m trying to learn. Damian, just agree to release the money, and I will continue to be happy.”

The impassioned outburst wasn’t completely unexpected. Damian knew his son cared deeply, and when backed into a corner, he could fight back. But the fact that he did mention Reid first, before Noah, before anything else, in the heat of that moment, Damian almost believed it to be true. He had no idea why his son and Noah had broken up, and like so many others, he believed that Luke would always be with Noah. Seeing Luke with this doctor though, he was a different man. Damian couldn’t quite understand all the changes, but Luke wasn’t the same young man he’d said good-bye to a few months ago.

“Are you happy with this man?” Damian finally asked.

Luke glanced briefly at Reid. He saw the coldness in the doctor’s eyes, and he knew it was there because he didn’t want Damian to hurt Luke. He was angry on Luke’s behalf. And more than that, he thought back to all the arguments, the insults and the teasing, the way he felt that morning waking up in a hospital bed and knowing that for once, there was a man who was willing to take care of him, to place Luke’s needs first.

Finally, Luke turned back to his father. “My husband makes me feel many things, mostly alive, especially when I thought a part of me would die because Noah and I were no longer together. More importantly, Reid makes me feel safe, something I don’t feel with you.” He moved, his hand letting go of Reid’s, and he started toward the door. He heard two chairs scrap against the cement floor, but he couldn’t wait for Reid. He needed to get out of there, to breathe again.

Reid watched Luke leave and then turned back to Damian. “Luke told me you’re the reason I ended up in that provincial little town.”

Damian simply looked at the redhead, not saying anything. He had learned long ago that when you didn’t speak, some people feel the need to fill the silence. And in doing so, they often give something away about themselves.

“And a few months ago, I would have preferred to be in a cell next to you.” His tongue darted out, wetting his lips. Reid wasn’t the type of man to threaten someone, especially someone he knew could have him killed. But he wasn’t thinking of his own safety at the moment, just the pain and anger his husband was feeling because of this man. “I know how much Luke hates what you did to his family. If you try to keep Luke from that money, if you insist on more ‘visits’ as a way to manipulate him and his…” Reid shook his head. “His loyalty to that shipping company, you’ll have to answer to me.” Knowing that Luke would wonder where he was if he didn’t get out there soon, Reid headed toward the door.

“Tell me, Dr. Oliver,” the cool voice made Reid stop. “Does Luciano realize how much you love him?”

Reid refused to respond, not wanting to give away any more of his feelings.


Thank you for reading! Damian knows that Reid is in love with Luke. Does Luke?

Onto Chapter Fourteen…

luke/reid; fic: almost everything (big b

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