Title: Off the Stage (7/14)
Author: gradgirl (aka Ali)
Rating: PG-13 (eventually NC-17)
Characters/Pairings: Van Hansis/Eric Sheffer Stevens
Summary: Future fic. What happens off the stage when Van and Eric meet again?
Warnings: RPS. If you are offended by the idea, please do not read this story.
Disclaimer: Complete fabrication, never happened, never
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Comments 53
He did take a long time with each button.
Where could it lead? They're on the brink of something already. After a moment like that forehead-touching, I don't think it can turn into friendship. They'll either explore this more or they'll go their separate ways.
They were so close to it in this chapter. They each made the first move tonight. Van, emotionally by admitting that he had a crush on Eric while he was on As The World Turns, and Eric, physically, by reaching out and taking Van's face in his hands. And I believe that Eric's is more important than Van's since it involved physical contact. Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but that's just my take on things.
You my friend are the Goddess of the written word! Such a beautiful and poignant chapter. They've turned a corner and I hope the road isn't too bumpy
Eric said a lot in his move to touch Van, which I don't know if either of them realized. Van is very much caught up in his own head at the moment, so I think Eric might have to be more physical if they are going to give in.
Your comment was just so lovely to read. And I can't say how the rest of the journey goes... Thank you! ~Ali
Nice twist in the flashback that it is ESS's decision to shush Luke and rebutton his shirt. That was such an intimate moment in that scene.
I really love how you have them interact. I get really caught up in the detail of your descriptions, like how they touch. The hair stroking is guh!
Van admission was the best, as was Eric's reaction to it. Now? I can't wait for Eric to admit to Van he's had a relationship with another man....
Yes, a basic misunderstanding is that Van assumes that ESS is straight (totally understandable). In addition, ESS was not sure that Van wasn't straight. Ali did a great job setting that up with the Luke/Mia flirtiness.
I liked Eric's reaction to it--he knows he might feel something too and that's why he's trying to assure Van that they'll work things out.
Very intense chapter but emotional too. And the flashbacks scenes are divine in every chapter! Great update.
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