*Has grabbed a towel, put on his
swim trunks, and gone down to the
swimming area at the lake to get a swim in before dinner*
*spending a few minutes enjoying the view, sitting on the dock, dangling his feet in the water before jumping in*
has a lot to think about this evening*
Wed, Aug. 12th, 2009 12:53 am (UTC)
*doesn't mind sharing this information; he needed to vent to someone sooner or later, why not Iruka?* Well...
...Tsunade woke me up. With a cold bucket of water--no wait. Two. Most likely had something to do with the impromptu beach trip Shizune and I took before camp.
*withdraws his feet from the water and crosses his legs instead, still scowling*
I'm looking to get her back.
..... *sneaky!interested look* Go on...
....*scowl turns into a smiiiirk*
....just one question. Did you bring your tambourine to camp?
Sure... why not? *is feeling a little angsty at the moment and needs to vent it somehow*
*smirks back*
..... *doesn't want to tell Genma that he was just joking all along about the whole 'tambourine' thing*
Uhhhhh.... I didn't.. *sadface* But I brought this! *pulls out whistle on homemade lanyard from underneath his shirt*
I was thinking...*stretches lightly*...that we could give Tsunade a nice serenade. At three in the morning.
*turns to look at Iruka, senbon almost falling from his mouth before he shifts it again* You in?
*thinks about it for a second*
Well... *smirks* what are you gonna play? Your sax? *grin*
*returns the smirk* What else? I didn't have enough room in the car to lug the piano here. *grins jokingly*
Mmmmm... so the question is: do we know anyone else with an instrument at camp that would be willing to help out? Seems like we're gonna need some percussion....
Do you know anyone else who's willing to join in on this?
There have got to be other people here who are suffering from that woman.
Hmmm... well... *thinks* I can almost guarantee that Kakashi-sensei and Obito-sensei will be happy to help >:3 Not to mention a few of the students...
I'll ask around some more, see if anyone else would be interested. But, I have a feeling that most would be more than happy to join up...*nods sagely about this*
join up with what~?
I was telling Iruka about a plan I had. To get back at Tsunade. Interested?
What did you have in mind?
Alright, good.
What I had in mind was something like a impromptu concert outside her cabin. At three in the morning. You game?
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