for the money problems perhaps you could do a fast sale on egl of some clothing that you already own to just get fast cash until you can get steady internet when your alien registration card comes, (it'll suck to sell some of your stuff but i mean c'mon you gotta eat)
as for the bunka problem, I guess there is nothing to say...except i hope the guy extends your payment after he hears your situation. I mean I guess if you give him that date that your dad can pay by it will seem more like an extension and less like a 'i'm just trying not to pay you' kind of situation... or hell just make up serious circumstances! say all sorts of family members are in the hospital and in need of dire surgery and whatnot. desperate tiems, desperate measures...
I'm so sorry to hear that Kei ;_; I honestly do hope things get better for you. If it makes you feel any better you can use my headphone payments to buy your lunch. Your health is more important that my headphones right now D: You can just buy & send out my headphones after things settle down & you recover. :(
aww, that sucks so bad hon :( *hugs* i hope things get better soon!!
oh, if i may ask... you live in tokyo right? 'cause i'm gonna be in town for a few days in may for a concert. but my friend & i might need some help with train signs in order to get to my friends in osaka. D: would it be trouble to ask you for some assistance?
Darling, I'm sorry I didn't reply sooner. The least I can do, and Stef, is let you step away from all of this and enjoy some Kanoma.
I'm sure they'll understand, cause honestly, it's not like they CAN'T wait for a while longer. Maybe you can get a staff or faculty on your side to talk on your behalf, sometimes things work faster that way.
Comments 6
for the money problems perhaps you could do a fast sale on egl of some clothing that you already own to just get fast cash until you can get steady internet when your alien registration card comes, (it'll suck to sell some of your stuff but i mean c'mon you gotta eat)
as for the bunka problem, I guess there is nothing to say...except i hope the guy extends your payment after he hears your situation. I mean I guess if you give him that date that your dad can pay by it will seem more like an extension and less like a 'i'm just trying not to pay you' kind of situation... or hell just make up serious circumstances! say all sorts of family members are in the hospital and in need of dire surgery and whatnot. desperate tiems, desperate measures...
i hope things get better soon!!
oh, if i may ask... you live in tokyo right?
'cause i'm gonna be in town for a few days in may for a concert. but my friend & i might need some help with train signs in order to get to my friends in osaka. D: would it be trouble to ask you for some assistance?
-hugs again- i hope for the best!
I'm sure they'll understand, cause honestly, it's not like they CAN'T wait for a while longer. Maybe you can get a staff or faculty on your side to talk on your behalf, sometimes things work faster that way.
Let me know if there's anything I can do.
Love you.
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