Photo by
Dimitri Daniloff In other news, I'm still alive. I have been super busy in life in general.
Went out with
carpezz on Friday night and it may be the last time I get to for a very long time. Was frickin' awesome.
zedbongreen was there, and Andy and Drey. A damn good time was had by all.
I'm still on track for getting my black belt on wednesday. Some performance anxiety, but it's just because I want it to be PERFECT! and not because I don't think I'll get the belt.
Played a lot of WoW this past weekend and got my rogue up to 53 (almost 54). Caught some shit because I've stopped playing my Alliance hunter. Caught more shit because I didn't wait for certain people to be present before completing certain quests. Lots of bitterness and wanna-be drama.
There's a possibility that I will move this summer, but it's all still up in the air. I mention this now because I want to express frustration about how a few people that have known continue to press me for more information and whether I've made any decisions yet. I continue to tell them the only thing I've decided is that I refuse to make a decision until I have more information. This works well for a while, but the more time goes on, the more... frantic some people appear to be about spending time with me and attempting to squeeze a lifetime of experiences in before the opportunity is gone. I love these people to death, but seriously, with my busy schedule, all this extra time they are wanting is having to come out of my personal alone time. That means that I don't have time to recharge my social batteries and ultimately forments resentment and avoidance (And no, Vish, the sushi lunch on saturday does not fall under this complaint, that was a bad ass lunch). Relationships can't be forced. More time does not equal quality time.
Okay, venting done.
And for those of you that are now wondering what the hell is going on, just relax. Nothing is set in stone, everything changes, and when I know enough to make a decision, then I'll know enough and be comfortable enough making a post to tell people what's going on.