Apr 04, 2011 01:43
[It's nighttime, and Chizuko is calling from a payphone. She's scoped the joint out, making sure noone is nearby to observe her and is disguising her voice by speaking in a lower pitch than normal, speaking through a set of walky talkies and placing a towel over the receiver. The resulting voice is waspish and androgynous, not recognizable as belonging to anyone in the town.]
Greetings Mayfield. You are a sleepy town, given to repeating cycles of rebellion and acquiescence. Some of you rail against your circumstances and are driven to sociopathic acts by your confinement. Some of you knuckle under and go about your daily routines, because you feel too powerless to resist. But I am going to prove to you that, though it may not be possible to defeat the authorities of this town in a pitched battle, that does not mean you are helpless.
I am called 'the man with twenty faces'. And as an example of what can be done, before seven days have elapsed I will have stolen all jewelry on display at Mayfield Hardware and distributed it randomly around town. Station as many police as you like there, Grady. They will be of no use.
the always thief