Today was interesting, to say the absolute least. First off, the unannounced return of our XO, Fox-One. I don't know about the rest of the team, who seem to just shoot jokes at him, but I'm glad to see him back and intact. Though, that wasn't where the weird started
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Comments 2
P.S. I live close by again now. We must chill.
So I hear you're doing Megaman drawings now ;-) Funny how I'm writing a Megaman fanfic and need some reploid designs ;-) We should hang out... Don't do that enough.
If you get the urge to draw another reploid... This line from a bad fanfic stuck out at me:
Zero: Monty Python? What's that, some kind of crazy maverick?
So you should e-mail me, so I can figure out what address you're using these days. Mine is :)
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