The Valentine's Journal, part one

Feb 13, 2009 20:45

Title: The Valentie's Journal
Team Name: DEs
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Challenge: Lingerie
Characters: Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Severus (implied)
Authors Notes: Usual disclaimers

14th February, 1999.

And I thought having a boyfriend would make Valentine's a little less dismal. Ha very funny.

He wouldn't even have remembered if it wasn't for Ginny nagging him. I overheard them. He said,

“'Mione doesn't believe in all that stuff!”

Hermione may not believe in it, but that doesn't mean I don't want it.

Ron thinks an evening down the pub is romantic. So I know it wasn't him that sent me a white rose and one black silk stocking. Odd. My secret, I think. Something to smile about at work tomorrow.

dickgloucester, lingere challenge

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