Feb 13, 2009 21:17
Title: The Valentine's Journal, part 2
Team Name: DEs
Word Count: (100)
Rating: G
Challenge: Lingerie
Characters: Hermione, Ron, Severus (implied)
Authors Notes: Usual ddisclaimers
14th February, 2000
My date: sitting in the sleet watching boring Quidditch, listening to boring commentary, and concluding that the love of Ron's life is Keeper Roger Todger or whatever his name is.
Ron has many fine qualities. Romance isn't one of them. Neither is chivalry, judging by the way he let me take the blame for those 'clerical errors' today. As if I'd ever make a mess of paperwork.
Thank heavens for the gift on my pillow - the other stocking! The rose had a blush of pink. I'll press it and keep it with the other one. I'm intrigued.
lingere challenge