Title: A Prince, Indeed
Team: The Order
Word Count: 100 x 3
Rating: mild PG
Challenge: Any Means Nessecary
Characters: Hermione, Severus, a cameo by Crookshanks
A/N: Inspiration comes from the most unusual places - like History class. No money and, alas, no beta (yet).
Ensconced in the over-large, winged armchair, Hermione didn’t notice when her wards were lowered and a dark figure swept into her chambers.
He quickly made his way to mahogany bookshelves lining one wall, carefully skirting the stacks of parchment littering the floor as well as the scowling half-kneezle. His eyes immediately jumped to a section and he ran his finger slowly along the shelf.
London... Lucretious... Macaulay...
His finger alighted on the spot and found it empty. Severus scowled.
Turning around, he surveyed the room, his eyes lingering on a certain professor curled up in her favorite chair, oblivious.
“Professor Granger,” he said, the words dripping slowly from his tongue. Her mass of curls jerked up, her book clattered to the floor, and her wand was now pointed squarely at his chest. “I was merely looking to borrow one of your books for some extracurricular reading.”
“Oh. I see,” she replied, restoring her wand sheepishly. “What were you looking for?” Her enthusiasm was evident as she lithely made her way over to the bookcase beside him.
“Well, it should be shelved here,” Severus said pointing to the dark hallow on the shelf, “however, it is most obviously missing.”
Hermione leaned in close to the shelf, running a finger along the spines of the books. She turned around. “Machiavelli’s The Prince? Why, that’s what I was just reading.”
“I see,” Severus replied. He pressed his left hand against the tomes mere centimeters from her head.
Hermione gasped.
“And,” he continued, “would you agree or disagree with Machiavelli’s assertion that a Prince is justified to use any means necessary to achieve his desires?”
“I believe the common phraseology is 'the ends justify the means'”
“Mmm,” he growled. “Is that so?”
And then his lips were upon hers.