Oct 16, 2006 22:10
Title: When in Rome
Team Name: Spy for the Order
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG, for suggestive finger licking
Challenge: Trick or Treat
Characters: Hermioine/Severus and off screen children.
Authors Notes: This is my first drabble ever.
Severus scowled as Hermione emptied a bag of American Muggle chocolates into a bowl. "No. I refuse to give sweets to American miscreants begging at the door."
Hermione unwrapped one of the sweets. It immediately began to melt on her fingers. "But that's how Americans celebrate Halloween. When in Rome, Severus."
Severus harrumphed.
Hermione's eyes flashed coyly as she suggestively licked the melting chocolate from her fingers; Severus watched with thinly veiled interest.
The doorbell rang. Children screamed, "Trick or Treat!" Hermione's tongue flicked over her fingers again.
Severus's resolve melted as quickly as the chocolate. "Give me the bowl."
trick or treat challenge,