Title: Phantom Kiss
Team Name: Death Eaters
Word Count: 100
Rating: All Ages
Challenge: Bookmark Challenge
Characters: Hermione/Severus
Author’s Note: So I made this deal with
harmony_bites ... and this is a distaff version of
He rarely visited live ones, but occasionally their thoughts shone like beacons.
The discovery of Hermione’s nightly ritual sent him reeling. He hadn’t returned for months. Yet like a moth to flame, the compulsion was irresistible.
Often, he watched her talk to his photograph; although sometimes temptation proved too much.
He vividly remembered their first phantom kiss, their first coupling ... when she told him she loved him.
Now he waited - watching her.
The bookmark was tucked between pages. She smiled, then closed her eyes. Severus slipped into her dream.
When she crossed over, she would be his.
For eternity.