Ever feel just a bit... overwhelmed?
New job that's taking a crazy amount of time, but I love it so much. I know this is what I'm called to do, I just have to learn how to do it the best way. It's hard, I'm learning how to teach while teaching.
Mom's moving this coming Saturday. It's odd, 'cause I don't see her much or talk to her all that often, but I don't want her to move. It's a comfort to know that she's only 10 minutes away if I were ever to need to see her. Well, off to Cincinnati she goes. She'll be much happier there, being with her mom and what-not. Still, I know I'll miss her.
Don't have much of a clue how my sister is doing. I know things got rough on her for a while and I wish there was something I could do... she's going to be moving too. At least, I think that's what Mom said. Right now she's an hour away and if time allowed a visit wouldn't be hard. In fact, stopped in and said hey to her a few weekends back when we went camping. I like being able to do that. Well, maybe that'll still be possible later.
I'm getting into a Pampered Chef thing, probably. At least, Mary called me and told me a bunch of stuff that sounded like a great idea but my mind can't grasp it all right now.
Need a better place to live. Out of the 5 days I drove to school, all but one I was scared during 'cause I either couldn't focus my eyes or I was falling asleep. We found a place closer... but that's not going to happen unless it's still open when our lease runs out. I doubt it. Oh well, maybe God's got something better planned. Probably, I just can't see it right now.
Need to do a bunch of cleaning and planning. This is a small break from it all. *sigh*
I'm hungry and slept way too late today. Didn't get out of bed until 9:30. Wow, that's, like, 4.5 hours later than normal. I got one room cleaned and once I vacuum the 2nd and 3rd rooms will be done. Then it's time to cook lunch/whatever and clean/relax the rest of the day. Hopefully. I need some relaxation time.
God bless, I've been thinking of and praying for you friends. I do hope things are going well and that you find the peace and joy needed to truly get through life.