Hi again. I'm chasing around your LJ looking for tutorials on how you make those lovely icons with the sketched look. The LOTR ones with the character portraits. I've finally got all my children back to school and would love to try some new effects for icons. I don't get much free time for playing with photoshop, but long enough to make icons ;-) I guess you are too busy working on your photos, to spend long here, but I hope you get this message. I'd like to add you to my friends too if you don't mind. I'll wait and hope you reply first.
Hi Cyberelf. I did read your first comment, I just didn't have the time to answer before and I'm not that often online. Yes, I'm using Photoshop. I could tell you what layers and brushes I used?
If you could tell me about the layers etc. that would be great. I love to try new things, and can experiment with some LOTR/Labryinth screenshots I have on a disk somewhere here.
I had a look around your web. What interesting photographs you take. Are you making a study of insects etc? I enjoyed your photogallery.
Okay, I made a basic tutorial for the sketchy Galadriel-icon. My only problem is that I'm using the German version of Photoshop, so I'm not sure about the english names of some settings. I think asherific did a translation of the most common settings in photoshop, so I'll ask her about it - tomorrow, since it's already 1am here. Then I'll post the tutorial here. Alright?
I had a try using a white layer set to color to lighten the face. I put a white layer under the original and erased the surround. Merged down and duplicated the result adding angled strokes and motion blur. It's sort of similar, but lacks the intensity and clarity of yours. Did I do anything right? - Sorry I only had Spike to play with not Giles ;-)
Comments 12
I did read your first comment, I just didn't have the time to answer before and I'm not that often online.
Yes, I'm using Photoshop. I could tell you what layers and brushes I used?
I had a look around your web. What interesting photographs you take. Are you making a study of insects etc? I enjoyed your photogallery.
I think asherific did a translation of the most common settings in photoshop, so I'll ask her about it - tomorrow, since it's already 1am here. Then I'll post the tutorial here. Alright?
Nice. =)
It's one of the default layouts. I still have to read through the customizations pages... or would you like to do my layout for me? ;)
How about a "Boromir" layout? ;)
Und nu' geh mal ans Fon, du Schlumpf!
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