fuckin christmas trees...I mean oh FUCK TIME! it can kiss my ass, tired old names ay...my names old..but the only thing gettin tired is me! AHH! PIECE OF SHIT! HAHAHA well grant ur name is neevr tired and old I love u. HAHAHAHAHAHA! LmaO! PEACE BUDDY!
That's a horrible methaphore. Gosh Grant, I hope you feel better. If you get to sad, just drown your sorrows in a gallon of ice cream. Sure, you'll gain like 5 pounds, but the horrible stomach pain will make you forget all about your emotional pain. :)
That suppressed suicidal poet buried deep within my mind sometimes struggles free and wreaks mayhem on my livejournal. I should really keep a better eye on him so I don't make embarassing emo logs on livejournal.
Comments 7
Jesus and I love you Niel. Hahaha.
That suppressed suicidal poet buried deep within my mind sometimes struggles free and wreaks mayhem on my livejournal. I should really keep a better eye on him so I don't make embarassing emo logs on livejournal.
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