name is change to protect X's relatives from deepest embarrassment ever. it happened earlier this week.
X: happy belated birthday
mézig: pff you never knew exactly when my birthday is
X: course I do, I remember 'cause it's groundhog day
mézig: so when was my birthday ?
X: groundhog's day
mézig: which date ?
X: 2/2
X: groundhog day isn't like president's day, it's the same every year
mézig: ok that's what i said, you never knew when my birthday is. and the only time -it was the first time- you remember my birthday date, it was a belated stuff
X: what?? Is 2/2 not your birthday?
(23:25:08) mézig: nope, never been
(23:26:38) shyla: sorry << i kept the time cause in an anime, you should see a crow making dots in the sky for one minute of akward silence. lol