[Queen of the Outlands; Alexandria, Jem] [52-flavours, 3]

Jan 20, 2009 14:00

Title: Shutdown
Series: Original
Theme no.: #3 - Let me go to the window,/Watch there the day-shapes of dusk/and wait and know the coming/of a little love
Character(s)/Pairing: Alexandria, Jem, hints of Alexandria --> Chaos
Rating: G
Words: 465
Notes (if any): Alex is totally a tsundere except not.

Her forehead gently brushed against the glass window as she wrapped the blanket around herself to keep herself warm.

She should have been asleep. All of them needed to sleep. She really needed her sleep.

How many days had it been? Three? Yes, she experienced three days of light relentlessly flooding her senses and possibly ten hours of rest at the most.


Jem urged her to sleep when she nearly collapsed on the stairs of the inn. A sharp pain raced through every spot in her head and Jem's lecturing did not decrease her suffering.

"How long were you thinking of that plan?" Jem had asked her, hands gripping her shoulders tightly as she pushed the younger girl down into a chair. Alexandria brought her hand to her forehead and rubbed it delicately, hoping that she could possibly soothe her pain. When she felt no difference, she growled and rested her head on her knees.

"Awhile," she muttered dryly, hoping Jem would fail to catch onto her choice of a vague answer.

"It must have been long enough to make you so dead tired. He," Jem paused and Alexandria felt her heartbeat quicken painfully. She lifted her head a little to place her hands on her knees to create a make-shift cushion. Not entirely comfortable but it was much better than the feel of her bony knees against her pounding head.

"He wouldn’t want you to do this to yourself."

Suppressing another growl, she jumped from the chair and quickly pushed past Jem, making sure that the older woman could feel a bit of her frustration, no matter how small. The pain in her head seemed to grow with each step she made and she pressed every bit of her willpower into walking up the stairs to her room.

"Get some sleep, Alexandria," Jem called out from the bottom of the stairs.

A slam of the door was her only reply.


The thief sank to the floor, chin placed on her knees and one hand escaping the security and warmth of the blanket to clutch her hair.

Frustration. That was the only way to sum up how she felt at the moment. Nothing could cure it. If she slept, she would only have colorless, frustrated dreams to comfort her. If she stayed awake, she would only take that out on others like Jem.

Alexandria leaned her body to one side and did not blink an eye when her body fell to the floor; a sudden wave of lethargy hit her and she did not want to move to her bed.

She surrendered herself to sleep as her eyelids fell shut.

"The only reason I want you back is so I can be little less pissed off," she whispered before her mind drifted away.

[universe]: queen of the outlands, [characters]: jem, [characters]: alexandria, [prompts]: 52_flavours

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