1) In Texas, a white teenager burns down her family's home and receives probation. A black one shoves a hall monitor and gets 7 years in prison. The state NAACP calls it `a signal to black folks.'
http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/nationworld/chi-0703120170mar12,0,1435953.story There was the 19-year-old white man, convicted last July of criminally
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Comments 3
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Individuals are still affected by slavery.
It doesn't matter if it wasn't legalized within the UK, or if UK was first second or third. You shut it down? You weren't supposed to be doing it in the first place! Africa don't owe you shit, as a matter of fact, UK owes brown people the world over a lot. What, they are going to thank you because you weren't first in the slave trade? "Well thank you, so much, waiting until after Portugal"?
Western slavery has everything to do with race. Saying so doesn't mean I think "all white people are the same". And white people and black people now occupy genuinely different places in society, and in history, especially in the history of slavery.
No one said the Paris was in France. I mentioned France in number 2 as a generic colonialist nation filled with clueless white people. Other subtle-assed clues ( ... )
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