Gallifrey 2009

Feb 18, 2009 21:24

Got back from LA yesterday and am still tired.  Had a brilliant time at Gallifrey and here's my brief report and ramblings on it.

The weekend started arriving on Wednesday afternoon after an 11 hour flight exhausted and jetlagged.  Later found out that apparently one Keany Reeves was on my flight but sadly never saw him.

Anyway met up with marita_c which was cool and went to bed reasonably early and failed to get much sleep.

The next day we attempted to navigate our way round LA by bus.  Went to Santa Monica which is a a nice place, warm weather, sandy beaches and palm trees,  A world away from snowy, freezing cold London.  Went around Hollywood which was basically one big tourist trap but was still fun to see.

Thursday night and the con unofficially started in the hotel lobby.  Spoke to Kai briefly which was good and spotted some of the other Who guests and writers wandering around.

Friday there was a Kai & Gareth Q&A, (with a surprise appearance by Naoko) Wendy Padbury & Nicola Bryant, Phil Collinson and opening ceremonies.  Later there was the toga party to which Kai and Gareth did an amusing skit, although I only saw it because I wandered into the room and so only caught part of it.  Talking to Kai later he joked that it was becoming a regular thing

Hanged around the bar for a bit and got talking to Kai.  He now knows who I am which is cool, also talked a bit to Phil Ford, almost stood next to Colin Baker but didn't have the nerve to talk to him.  The man has presence.  Then went down to watch the karaoke for a bit and Kai showed up and sung Don't let the sun go down on me (Elton John) and hymns and ariahs that he sung at the hub.  Absolutely brilliant.

Saturday started with an hour with Gary Russell and I am so a big fan of his now.  I asked him about the Twilight Streets and he said how he wanted to write a Ianto story and he also wanted to include Bilis because he wasn't in S2.  He is very enthusiastic about TW and a lovely guy.  He also did a lot of the Q&As and interviews on stage. 
He also sat behind me on my flight back but did I say anything to him?  No.  Sadly I didn't have time to get his autograph and now I will have to go to Bad Wolf because he will be there.
Then there was the photo studio with Nicola Bryant, Wendy Padbury, Phil Collinson and Frazier Hines where you got your photo taken with them all together, that was fun.  I do like Phil Collinson, he's a great guy.
Then I got autos from Kai, Phil Ford and James Moran but Gary Russell had left for another panel before I could get his:)  There was Gareth being interviewed by Toby Hadoke who is a funny guy and Nicola Bryant and Wendy Padbury interviews
Kai and Phil Ford did the commentary to Something Borrowed which was brilliant and funny..
Saturday night was the masquerade including one guy who I'd got talking to dressed up as Captain Jack and he looked hot.  I mean it was nice to actually see guys dressed as him.  Then there was Toby Hadoke's "Moths ate my Dr Who scarf" play which I wasn't expecting to like but it was very funny.
There was a late night panel about adult themes in Dr Who and TW but it was bascially some fans sat in a room discussing the relationships on both shows.  To be honest I was really too tired to pay much attention at that stage.  There was a late night dance but they were paying icky love songs so didn't stick around:)

Sunday it was Kai and Gareth's photo session then ran into the Impact of TW panel to catch the end of it,  Shame those two things had to clash because James Moran and Phil Ford were on it talking about some interesting TW stuff.
Kai and Gareth of course only did their photos on the Sunday because they went to watch the Wales v England rugby match in a bar in LA.  6,000 miles from home and they have to go and watch a rugby match? 
Anyway, there was Colin Baker and Nicola Bryant on stage together which was interesting, another Kai & Gareth Q & A, Phil Collinson did the commentary for Journey's End and then the closing ceremonies and it was all over.

Overall it was a brilliant, well organised con and even if I felt a bit lost at times (there were 1300 people there) I am mad enough to consider going back next year, regardless of the guests (although they already announced Peter Davison and are close to getting Georgia Moffatt)

Next up - The Hub!

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