Gareth at Memorabilia

Nov 22, 2008 21:39

Today I met Gareth at Memorabilia in Birmingham.  Details and pic under cut

Hello gorgeous.  Yes that's what he said to me.  I nearly died, still it just about made my year:)

I asked him if he'd finished filming, he said yes although I think that's widely known anyway,  I asked him if he'd had a cast party and said yes it was at John's house last week.  I can only imagine what that was like, oh to be a fly on the wall:)

He thinks series 3 will either air in early March or early summer, those are the two rumours he's heard.  So who knows?

I managed to get a not too bad pic of him but it's a little blurry.  Even after having met him more than a few times now I still can't hold my camera steady.

And I'm going to see him again at his gig next week at Walthamstow which is handily very near me.  Should be interesting especially as his music isn't really my thing, I'm too much of a trashy pop fan lol, but I'm sure I'll enjoy it, let's face it hearing Gareth scream and shout can only be a good thing right?

Here is pic:

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