Carissa sometimes likes to watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, the latest animated offering from Disney. It's CGI rather than paint, so some of it has that Dire Straits video feel to me, but since I'm not the primary audience, I can stick with "House of Mouse", their previous show with some very good music thrown in now and then by Brian Setzer.
Carissa's favorite character on the show is Pete, the big, brutish fellow that occasionally serves as a bad guy. I don't know quite what to make of this - will she be bringing a string of Pete-type boyfriends home to meet the parents? Sounds like trouble.
The other morning it was time to get her dressed. I asked her where she'd like to get changed, and she said to come where she was to get dressed. I then asked her if the world went around her, and if we lived in a Carissa-centric universe? "Nooooooooo," she said, her voice going up very high to make the correction sufficiently strong. "Minnesota."
She's starting to use modifiers, and she really likes "forever", as in "Stop teasing me FOREVER". When Diana went to kiss her goodnight the other night Carissa asked her to "kiss her forever", so she gave her a series of kisses on the forehead for about 10-15 seconds, then broke away. "Why are you not kissing me forever?" she asked right after. A tenacious one, this girl. She told me that I should not have whiskers forever and all the time. Why is this? Because I don't have enough whiskers, and she doesn't like kissing me on my whiskers. She probably favors my dad
tentbeetle's beard to my stubble. Lately she kisses me on the nose, so we're OK for now.