Monday mornings

May 04, 2009 09:48

Diana leaves for work around 7:30-7:45, so you need to be up around then.

Put on some casual wear, and open up the kitchen for kids' breakfasts. Set the timer to close the kitchen at 8:05, and serve away. Also, make a lunch for Ethan; usually ham & cheese sandwich, some fruit, and a cheese stick or something. Fill water bottle with water, put both bottle and lunch pack in backpack.

8:05 - 8:15 Ethan brushes teeth and changes from jammies to clothes (Diana got some clothes ready for him).

8:15 - 8:25 Fix Ethan's hair. Then he gets his shoes on, and a hoodie if it's cold out, and off he goes to the bus (other end of our street, 60 ft or so).

You and Carissa freestyle it for a bit. Usually put on some cartoons while you take a shower.

Then dress, and get Carissa dressed. Brush her hair out (gently, please), and get her shoes on.

Try to get her to daycare by around 10:00am, make sure you drop off her pillow and blanket for naptime, and drop off the weekly check.

Then it's off to work with you.

Good luck.


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