More quilty stuff!

Mar 04, 2007 00:35

Today I bought fabric for my next baby quilt!  It's for my friend ladybugjo who is going to (Lord willing) adopt a baby of some gender or another.  Not knowing the gender makes it really HARD to buy fabric.  Actually, it's plain hard to buy fabric for a boy.  Everything is decorated with flowers, or has hints of purple and pink.  It's unfair that boys' stuff has to be so stringent.  "Heavens!  Not FLOWERS!"

Anyway, look at the beauty!!!  Joanna loves Tolkien, and I told her I wanted to make something distinctively hers, so I was going to try for Tolkienish.  Hmm, it probably makes sense to no one but me, but these are kind of dusky mysterious elvish Mirkwoody colors, mallorn-esque leaves, and silvery mithril-ish tiny stars of Elbereth Gilthoniel or... something.  At least, that's my grand vision.  I think they're beautiful.

(But don't show Joanna!  She's not allowed to see till it's finished!)

And also, I've started a literal scrapbook for fabric scraps from my quilts.  I'll add photographs and designs and other things to the pages when I get around to it.  I think it's fun.



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