Stress, stress... and more stress. Tomarrow is the GRE, I cant think of much else, except for maybe Denny (who I havent seen now for quite a while
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Wow, how ironic that I just spoke about judgement and hatred. Today and Yesterday (and apparently tomarrow and thursday and for who knows how long) there are a group of preachers (and one wife) who are enjoying the activity of cussing all students out on campus! *laughs at the memory* They were litereally THUMPING bibles
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if terrorists were to strike corporate oil, perticularly those exploiting the WHOLE FUCKING POPULATION OF THE STATES, I would be willing to forgive them for 9/11.
OK, it’s been a long time since I have posted a real updating update. This is it, as I am stuck at home (pretty much) with a viral infection
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What the hell? More than three friends have rebuked their friendship towards me in recent times. Obfugating my sense of self and it sure doesn’t feel good. I understand that my constant state of flux is difficult to whiteness but is it so much that one must retract their feelings towards me
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Today is a day to be sick inside the house; to roam and rest. And of all wonderments, it is a day of thunderstomes. How luxurious it is to be sick, reading a book in bed, sipping tea and listening to thunder
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