Player: graverunner Join Date: 8 Nov 2008 Card Count: 219 // level Three Card Value: 223
collecting | devil | #
future decks
keeping decks
x19 x06 x01 x02
trading decks
trade terms
current & future decks → not ever trading away, but of course am trading for. special decks & puzzle decks → if they're up for trade, they'll be in the trade section. otherwise, hands off :D keeping decks → Not trading away, am trading for. trading decks → Everything here is available for trade. Of course, it'd be good if you have cards that I'm collecting to trade in exchange for. But even if you don't, they'd still be up for trade. Just give me a link to your own trade post. ^.^ certificates → if I want to trade them, they'll either be in the trading deck area or I'll offer. otherwise I'm keeping them all |D offered trades → held cards →
AM ALSO COLLECTING: strahl(Balthier from FFXII) and - (checks anime_lj_tcg card decks)
Wait. There's no parakiss? No George? ;__; I could've sworn I saw one. Oh well, boy (Oscar from Rose of Versailles) then. And maid (Victorian Romance Emma).