Work, schmork. When I have work to do? Muaha, that's when I get all my fic writing done. If there's a bunch of stuff I've posted within a short time, you can bet it was finals week, or there were midterms or papers or projects due. EVERY TIME. Like last week. I should've been doing my essay, but I wrote spacepirates for the gift exchange :3 and post #27 of Team Bananafishstickers' Round Robin. That was like, 4000+ words. IN ONE NIGHT HOLY SHIT. BEST WRITING NIGHT EVER. I NEED TO GO OUT ON THAT PATIO MORE
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Yush but I mean like mah jorb, where I waitress and can't access computars unless I'm using the register and taking an order. That and finals are coming up and I'm like pretty sure I'm gonna fail more classes than I can afford to fail. THAT PATIO MUST BE THE EPIC PATIO OF FIC WRITING!!!!
XD In my head I just pictured a cookie and an enchilada with microphones attempting to sing. HE WAS! I loves it too! My mom and I were squeeing when David Cook preformed, and whenever my dad attempted to talk we glared at him. XD That is quite hilarious.
(XD That's what all my essays are, which is most likely why I failed English 101a....FINISH IT AND I'LL FINISH CHAPTER 3!!!)
Heeheehee. Jorb. Jeee-orrrb. Jeeowwrrrrb. Coach Z makes me giggle. I don't have a jorb. I'm too busy with classes so I have no free time because my schedule's screwy (class at 5pm? three days a week? ugh), and every time I look for something, Mom wants it related to whatever the heck I plan to do after school. Except I don't know what I want to do after school. So my throwback to be a leader at a day camp I used to volunteer at got rejected because it's too late in the year, that internship never got off the ground (they didn't even email to say they weren't interested. Jerkwads.), and Mom doesn't want me doing into food service, so waitressing is a no-go. What the flip am I supposed to do? Gah. I'm definitely failing math, and if I don't step up I'm gonna fail NES. Urg. Reading. IT IS A MOST EPIC PATIO!!! I'M GONNA TRY IT AGAIN LATER!
That is a lulzy image. It made me giggle in class. X3 I was squeeing on my own in my dorm's lounge! I'm the only person who really watches, and I'm kind of glad. Cuz I yell at the
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Coach Z is amazing. period. I see...That definately makes getting a jorb harder. I mean at first I was being all picky and was only applying to places I wanted to work at but with the way the economy is right now you can't afford to be picky. So when I was offered a job I took it, moneh is moneh.Yeah...I think I'm gonna fail most of my classes because of my ability to catch every virus/cold/infection, known to man. DOOOOOOO ITTT!
I told my parents and they cracked up.....I might have to draw that or make Bacon draw it XD. I HATED THE FACT THAT THEY HAD MILEY CYRUS ON!!!! My parents and I turned the volume down and talked through her entire preformance XD
(LUCKY!!!!! I has to take two maor English classes after 101a, it sucks ass. OMG I KNOW THE FEELING!!! I WAS WORKING ON A COMBO OF INVADER BEN AND WORKIN ON THIS ZUKO/SOKKA VID AND I WAS ALL PARANOID, and this was just in between classes.
Comments 26
Work, schmork. When I have work to do? Muaha, that's when I get all my fic writing done. If there's a bunch of stuff I've posted within a short time, you can bet it was finals week, or there were midterms or papers or projects due. EVERY TIME. Like last week. I should've been doing my essay, but I wrote spacepirates for the gift exchange :3 and post #27 of Team Bananafishstickers' Round Robin. That was like, 4000+ words. IN ONE NIGHT HOLY SHIT. BEST WRITING NIGHT EVER. I NEED TO GO OUT ON THAT PATIO MORE ( ... )
Yush but I mean like mah jorb, where I waitress and can't access computars unless I'm using the register and taking an order. That and finals are coming up and I'm like pretty sure I'm gonna fail more classes than I can afford to fail. THAT PATIO MUST BE THE EPIC PATIO OF FIC WRITING!!!!
XD In my head I just pictured a cookie and an enchilada with microphones attempting to sing. HE WAS! I loves it too! My mom and I were squeeing when David Cook preformed, and whenever my dad attempted to talk we glared at him. XD That is quite hilarious.
(XD That's what all my essays are, which is most likely why I failed English 101a....FINISH IT AND I'LL FINISH CHAPTER 3!!!)
That is a lulzy image. It made me giggle in class. X3 I was squeeing on my own in my dorm's lounge! I'm the only person who really watches, and I'm kind of glad. Cuz I yell at the ( ... )
I told my parents and they cracked up.....I might have to draw that or make Bacon draw it XD. I HATED THE FACT THAT THEY HAD MILEY CYRUS ON!!!! My parents and I turned the volume down and talked through her entire preformance XD
(LUCKY!!!!! I has to take two maor English classes after 101a, it sucks ass. OMG I KNOW THE FEELING!!! I WAS WORKING ON A COMBO OF INVADER BEN AND WORKIN ON THIS ZUKO/SOKKA VID AND I WAS ALL PARANOID, and this was just in between classes.
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