Here's Gravi's monthly emo rant

Aug 29, 2010 04:29

Ok so I'm posting this from Tiberius (my iPhone), because the chargers on BOTH The Master and Greggo have magically died. Dear god typing this out on an iPhone is annoying, but I really need to just vent or I'm gonna explode

ANYWAYS! So I basically got a notification in the mail today, er yesterday, saying that my financial aid was cancelled. Meaning that in order to go to AAU next week I was expected to pay close to $9,500 by yesterday at 2 PM. The mail didn't even get here till 2-ish, and I was told Friday, when I made a special trip up to SF to finish the endless amount of paperwork that comes with appying for financial aid, that everything was fine. So you can guess how suprised I was when I got that letter. I have yet to talk to the financial aid department, but it's looking like I'm taking a semester off.

Right now I'm trying to look on the bright side. Taking a semester off might be a good thing. It would give me some time to take a few driving classes, get my liscense, get a new job, make a down payment on a car, actually take that sewing class with Bacon, get some cosplay shit done, and a whole bunch of other shit that I really shouldn't be thinking about at 4AM. I really have needed a little bit of a break, last semester I felt like I didn't even have time to sit and relax and I was only taking two classes. I think I need some form of inner peace before I can even attempt a full load of classes or I'll just end up failing everything.....again. I guess I'll post more on Monday when I actually get a hold of financial aid.
Again sorry for the rant, I'm just really stressed and needed to vent.

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

blah, arrrrrgh, journal, emo, classes, via ljapp, stuff that know one but me really cares, rant

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