I was in a couple of communities and decided to silently leave because I was banned from one of them.
Initially, I thought it was because I didn't post to a member page, but I did post to it, so then I guess the only logical conclusion is a comment I made and applicant who was obviously the mod pretending to "fake apply". I kind of figured from my comment it was obvious I was saying what I was saying in jest, but to them it must not have been, and they must have seriously thought I was upset with them. I would have done the apology thing, but I missed my deadline so I left on my own. I don't want to cause trouble.
The other two communities I left silently because they were not very active, and I am just not a good member to have in a community that needs promoters. This is because I just don't promote. I am the kind of person who joins a community because they like the people already in it, not because they know of people that would be good for it. That, and the digital cameras that I have access to are not always immediately available for me to take pictures, and a good deal of these communities are based on updating with pictures. :/
Short form is: I'd like to keep being a member, but other than commenting on someone else's app or occasionally posting something moderately funny, I'm not a good member. Plus I got too much going on in other areas of the Internet to focus time in umpteen communities.
If I broke some unspoken rule by leaving your community silently, I apologize. Best of luck to you with your endeavor. I have no hard feelings toward anyone, I'm just not motivated and present enough to keep up to date with the "goings on" in your community.