
Sep 04, 2004 00:38

Okay, this post is huge. I gotta do an LJ-Cut. Actually, I'm going to go through and LJ-Cut all of them. I just burned my 4th spider of the night/day.

So I knew the two guys that started up hotornot. Well, not knew them per se, but chatted with one of them on IRC and the other via email soon after it went up. My concern at the time was bandwidth. I do not have that concern for them now. I only wished I had stolen their idea and done it better.

Star Wars Galaxies has been the game I play the most lately. I'm a "MASTUR DOCTAR" on Bria. I go by the name "Faux Shizzle" and play my character like a 70's porn star with a 'fro. I'm one of two "fat" people on the game. Everyone has these rock hard chiseled bodies with six-pack abs and I'm rolling around and tossing out the obscenities and generally having a good old time. I can also buff (why I went that route to begin with) so I'm buffing Mac-10 and OmegaSprite (Our buddy from Omaha picks FSCKED up names like me) exclusively and making loads of credits in the game. I won't be dumping this character off on Ebay like my AC, DAOC, EVE, and other accounts, however. At least, not yet.

Work is going regularly. I seem to be at a point where I'm shifting into a new mood. My supervisor has always been slightly at odds in how I deal with internal employees. I'm quick to fixing their tasks and not necessarily concentrating on coding and etc. I do *want* to get into the coding portion of my job, but it is a gradual process. In the meantime I'm trying to make do with my sleep issues. Which leads me to...

The damn "sleep starts" came back again, two nights in a row, but one of them was especially bad. I need to get into the habit of sleeping on my back, but I can't do it because it only seems to complicate the matter. For those of you not in the know, auditory and visual sleep starts are a common occurence for everyone. I think they happen to everybody, but for me, well, they just fscking freak me out.

The problem is, when I am about to hit REM sleep, I hear this slight static in the back of my head and it gets slightly louder and my mind knows it is happening but ignores it to try to hit REM. But another part of my mind freaks out about it and doesn't let REM take over. Then the static turns into a large pop (the neurologist called it a thunderclap, which is pretty accurate too) and BAM! I'm wide awake, breathing heavily, and can't get back to sleep. I was describing it to my coworkers the other day. I've given up trying to hide it.

I'm worried it has to do with something larger, like a tumor or something. Or it could be that I'm a Gemini and the duality thing is one part of my mind wants to stay away and the other does not. I don't even follow astrology, but sometimes I have no explanation so I have to reach for one. All I freaking want is peace, though. I can't deal with this stuff all the time. Only occasionally do I have a visual sleep start, ie a blinding flash of light along with the "pop" in my head.

Anyway, off of that, the object is to get down as much as I can in this entry. The left side of my jaw hurts right now, by the way.

I am being requested by a family member to hack into the computer of a guy that is a close family friend to find evidence to help him prove in court his wife was cheating on him before she filed for divorce. I intend to help him fully, although this will be the first time I've dealt with a physical hack instead of a remote one. It's kind of weird too, cause I'm sending Ethie over to handle it instead of me. Either that or Wang will do it. I told him just to boot up off of the floppy and then give it to his dad who will email the SAM file I'm copying back to the floppy.

I'm also thinking about working on the website for the old church friend that I've been putting off for forever. She's been asking me to make changes and I always end up doing something else. I need to do that though before I can work on gravito itself. I've got some test stuff for gravito right now, but the java app isn't working like I want it to, so I'm not entirely convinced I can get a real bonifide IP via the java applet. I'm sure as hell going to try though. The damn thing will be revolutionary, to say the least. I could market the product and probably sell at least a version of it to some security company or middleman for a few Gs. Lastly, I gotta do some other php apps that have some application for work too. They will be strictly mine, but I'll also mod them for work use. Like my remote control app. Only the damn xCmd sets off virusscanners at work. Whoops. Got a call about that one. It's a legit function of my job though. Esp if I'm expected to make this particular application I'm working on.

I just watched Dark City with B and Mac-10. I forgot how much the Matrix stole from that movie. I also bought Donnie Brasco and haven't seen it yet. 21 grams I rented and watched last night. I missed the return time to save two bucks on my next rental at Hastings. Damn. Oh well.

The novel. Okay. None of you on LJ know about this, but I figure I outta mention it. I'm in DIRE need of a literary agent or publisher. I've had this novel I wrote like a year ago and I haven't done anything with it for a long time. It's like 50,000 words is all, but I'm just interested if it is even something I should consider publishing. I'm still in the process of making it look good, but if I had someone that would just say, "yeah, I'll read it and let ya know" that'd be great. No, I don't intend to make much money off of it, but I need to know if I should be using Do-It-Yourself publishing so I can just give friends copies or if I should work more on it to make it better and sell the rights to it.

Sony's DGO. Well, I have not done much with it, but I really want to make this app again. Seeing sites like hotornot and the sheer usages of them has made me think dollar signs again. I really want to code that trivia/dating game and sell it to the online singles industry (a 2 billion dollar industry). Yes, I'm greedy, and yes, I would charge a great deal for such a web application. I tracked 11,000 unique individuals over two months of its usage. Those were the last two months. Sony was insane for getting rid of it. They could have sold it for at least a half a million as it was written.

Grasshopper has basically moved out. B might be on the way out too. Mac-10 and Wang and I are considering getting a new place. At the price we are paying now we should have a lot more, like laundry and such. We were lucky to have 5 guys in this crappy duplex paying only 135 bucks in rent for a year, now I don't see it happening. B is too worried about finances and is moving along, Grasshopper just flat out doesn't have money. I don't expect to see the rest of what he owes me again. Some $350+ just gone. Asi es la vida. It was good to have him paying at least part of it, and I'll be happy to take the deposit. I might have to take B's deposit too, cause he doesn't seem motivated much. He's going to do a last ditch effort to find a job tomorrow. I hope I can help him out maybe. He doesn't have a vehicle right now which is what he's worried about.

In all reality, it's stupid. A guy that makes $30K a year in Iowa should just have his own place, or only have one or two roommates anyway. I intend to do just that. Most of my money in the last year has went towards the Jeep, which I'm glad to finally have paid off. I bought the last amenity, the second subwoofer, today. I now own an SUV with one of the best sound systems in Ames, Iowa. Now I should sell it, buy a house, and do what my mom says about finding a girl, right? :P (queen, need your comment here!) I should also probably quit smoking. It's not like I have much reason to anymore anyway. If B moves out, that's like the last true smoker I know.

I think I'm going to get trashed at Welch Ave Station tomorrow. Or stay in and code/play video games. It's up to Mac-10.
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