questionthepups prompts for April 1-7:
1. Who is your character's confidant?
Oddly enough, Sikozu would probably consider Aeryn (
just_a_soldier) her confidant, if only because she's more or less told Aeryn everything. She hasn't apologized for any it, but Aeryn knows more about the real Sikozu than anyone else at this point.
2. Is your character married? Does he have a lover, significant other, girlfriend, boyfriend?
No, no, no, no, and no.
3. Whom does your character live with?
She lives by herself, in her room at Milliways.
4. If you were to use the speed dial function on your character's telephone, who would answer?
If she had one, it would probably be Alanna. Bosses are important, after all.
5. How does your character feel about his co-workers? What are they like?
She doesn't really know many of the other members of Security that well, save for Aeryn and their relationship is tenuous at best. She does, however, think Alanna is very capable, efficient, and trusts her judgment in that the rest of Security deserves her loyalty.
6. To whom did your character give birthday presents last year, and what did he give them?
Sikozu knows nothing about birthdays.
7. What did your character receive for his last birthday?
See above. In fact, she doesn't even know when her own is.