questionthepups prompts for April 8-14:
8. What is your character's favorite holiday?
Having been forced to celebrate Scarran versions of "holidays" up until her arrival on Moya and now Milliways, Sikozu doesn't really celebrate any, now. She has, however, experienced Halloween and Christmas while in the bar. She thought Christmas was pretty.
9. What is your character's least favorite holiday?
Halloween was not fun. Being human sucked.
10. How close is your character to his friends? How well do they know him?
Friends are not something she has in adbundance. Aeryn knows her quite well, but whether they're considered friends is another thing altogether. Jack Frost is the closest thing she has to a real, genuine friend. He doesn't know her that well, however, as she tends to use their friendship as a way to explore the childish side she's never been able to before.
11. What is your character's darkest secret? Who else knows about it?
Being a clone and a weapon. Several peolpe in the bar know this now, as she no longer sees the need to keep this information secret.
12. Does your character have any siblings? What sort of relationship does he have with them?
While not technically siblings, she considers the other Kalish clones her family, even though she doesn't know who they are, where they are or even how many there are. It's comforting enough to know that there are others like her out there, somewhere.
13. What is your character's favorite hangout?
The rafters in the bar. It's quiet and she can think and watch everyone below.
14. Where does your character feel most safe?
Either the rafters, or her room. She's usually alone in both places and her room is where she has things that she considers to be hers.