Something has been lingering in the back of my mind after reading
rianeficmusings "To Be Human" , especially the part where Natalie says "We're machines, Leoben" and I decided to go back to the Razor Hybrid's prophecy and to read it again. Quite interesting in the light of S4 developments. (Transcript is taken from
At last they’ve come for me.
I take this to mean the humans at last coming for the hybrid. This is a similar kind of relief I felt when the Faith Hybrid recognized or focussed Kara after being disconnected. What are the cylons doing to the hybrids? Can hybrids download? (Don't think so) They are humanoid but what a dismal "life" to spend being wired to a tub, jabbering on and on. Ever wonder how they actually come by those prophecies? Notice also how in Faith, the centurion immediately jumps to the hybrid's rescue, shooting the Eight before being mowed down by the others present. This might be due to ensuring the technical procedures on the baseship but still I had a feeling that the hybrids are closer or more special to the chrome-jobs and the skinjobs sort of disdain them.
I feel their lives, their destinies spilling out before me. The denial of the one true path, played out on a world not their own, will end soon enough.
"Played out on a world not their own"? Would that be Caprica? Or Kobol? Clues, anybody? And what about "denial", like they knew this would be coming somehow?
Soon there will be four, glorious in awakening. Struggling with the knowledge of their true selves.
Been there, done that...
The pain of revelation bringing new clarity.
I guess you could put it that way. Tory certainly has gained new clarity. Sam is still struggling a bit, I'd say; Chief, well, poor lad. And Master Tigh - well. Has anything ever been clear to him? This would be his moment of glory.*snark*
And in the midst of confusion, he will find her, enemies brought together by impossible longing, enemies now joined as one.
Could this possibly refer to Leoben and Kara!?? Let me remind you of
an interview with Katee Sackhoff a while ago an interview with katee Sackhoff a while ago, where she stated that, "I don't think that Lee and Kara will ever be happy together. I don't think they're meant to be together. I think that they're meant to be best friends. They're meant to push each other, they're meant to have those arguments that drive you. If anyone is fitting for her, and if there's anyone that she'd actually allow herself to be happy with and be with, it'd probably be Leoben. Anders is too weak for her emotionally, Lee's too much of a boy scout. . .so if there's any person that she could ever let her guard down with and be happy with, it's probably Leoben." LEOBEN! *mwah* (God, and to remember how repulsive he was in the first two seasons!)
The way forward, at once unthinkable, yet inevitable.
A hint at human-cylon coexistence? Seems like... Unthinkable because of the genocide. Inevitable because they seriously can't go on fighting and chasing throughout the galaxy (or which dimensions are we actually dealing with astronomically); especially the humans should have a dire interest in finding a peace if they actually plan to survive. The fates of those two races (does this term technically apply at all?) are really interdependent by choice of the cylons. No cylon civil war without the humans. No cylon civil war without their infiltration on Caprica. No cylon civil war without the genocide or their ominous "plan" which seems to have been given up, or has it?
And the fifth still in shadow, will claw toward the light, hungering for redemption that will only come in the howl of terrible suffering. Okay, we're still waiting for hints on this one...
I can see them all. The seven now six self-described machines, machines who believe themselves without sin.
The part I find most intriguing is the term "self-described machines". So are they maybe _not_ machines in the end? Could it be they are humans, too?? Notice how the centurions are clearly different from the skin-jobs, since they had to be retained by that devicey thingy Natalie removed, or the raiders, who had to be lobotomized.
But in time, it is sin that will consume them. They will know enmity, bitterness, the wrenching agony of the one splintering into the many and then they will join the promised land, gathered on the wings of an Angel.
This obviously refers to the cylon civil war which is waging at the moment. "Wings of an Angel" - Kara Thrace? Could also be a #6 type?
Not an end, but a beginning.
Clearly a reference to human-cylon interbreeding to me. Or the beginning of a new cycle? Or both?
Kara Thrace will lead the human race to its end.
The human race. Well, what about a race of cylon-human hybrids? They still have that ovary of hers, remember. (If anybody out there believes RDM when he says he takes it episode by episode, play it by ear, nothing is planned and all that hogwash, well, sorry, RDM, I don't believe an ounce because it all seems pretty well-planned from the beginning...)
She is the herald of the apocalypse, the harbinger of death. They must not follow her.
Question remains is: Who are "they"?
As my own existence comes to a close only to begin anew in ways uncertain. All this has happened before and will happen again. Again, again. Again. Again. Boom!!!!!!!
Well, maybe they do get downloaded, somehow... But if it is "in ways uncertain" to a hybrid, what could it possibly be? These guys seem to know just about anything...!
Then there's something in the Faith Hybrid's prophecy that really makes me wonder. This is from a transcript on
The obstinate toy soldier becomes pliant.
Just who might that be referring to??? *lol* My money is on Tigh *rofl*
Here's the entire transcript of the Faith Hybrid's speech prior to disconnection:
* Then shall the maidens rejoice at the dance.
* They'll start going ripe on us pretty soon.
* Centrifugal force reacts to the rotating frame of reference.
* The obstinate toy soldier becomes pliant.
* The city devours the land, the people devour the city...
* Intruders swarm like flame, like the whirlwind; Hopes soaring to slaughter all their best against our hulls.
* All these things at once and many more, not because it wishes harm, because it likes violent vibrations to change constantly.
* But you are a spark of God's fire.
* The children of the one reborn shall find their own country.
* Compartmentalize integrity conflicts with the obligation to provide access.
* No ceremonies are necessary.
* Contact is inevitable, leading to information bleed.
* Assume the relaxation length of photons in the sample atmosphere is constant.
I've notices that the hybrids are pretty preoccupied with photons. All those visions f the opera house or even projection by cylons could also be taken as photonic manifestations since they are shared. This is seriously getting too deep for me so I am signing off and putting this post out there now!
Comments welcome; are love!