BSG, 4.08, hybrid

May 19, 2008 00:07

It's getting pretty late and I know I said I wouldn't post anything on 4.08 anymore today but I just have to quickly get rid of something here which links up to my hybrid post. I am pretty certain that Kara being the "harbinger of death" refers to upcoming Hub episode and the "they" thus finally refers to the cylons (thus the joy of the hybrid?! Seems to me the hybrids are sort of against the skin-jobs for some reason). However, I think "death" here is meant to be taken as an abstraction rather than the actual action of killing or being killed. As Natalie points out to the Quorum, the concept of death is something the cylons lack due to their resurrection ability. If the Hub were destroyed, All Cylons would become mortal, threreby forced to immediately embrace the concept of death. The prophecy is probably meant to be understood that way.

Interesting how the cylons are made to - willingly or unwillingly - keep approaching humanity, the very thing they are trying to destroy. It is the one big overriding irony of the show and ties in with the mantra of everything having happened before yadda yadda.

What was the thing about the centurions, i.e plan B of the cylon rebels? Did I miss something here or did RDM leave us in the dark here on purpose? *is chilled*
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