(no subject)

Feb 22, 2005 00:26

poignardetranger: y are u so glued to this thing
poignardetranger: we call life
poignardetranger: reality based computer viewing
poignardetranger: bullshit
poignardetranger: when you should be a nomad
poignardetranger: living for the moment on the streets of blessed reality based life we live every waking moment
poignardetranger: but view on a tv screen
gray shame: you keep assuming that i see life positively
gray shame: you never think that i might find computer viewing more satisfying and fulfilling than life
poignardetranger: okay
poignardetranger: so you're my nemesis
poignardetranger: i must kill u
poignardetranger: sorry for you
poignardetranger: by the way man
poignardetranger: seriously
poignardetranger: if you really do like it
gray shame: i really do like the computer bette than most things
poignardetranger: i think you're either
poignardetranger: A. scared to socialize, somewhat
poignardetranger: B. depressed, melodramatic, and whiney all at once
poignardetranger: or
gray shame: wel l idont consider myself whney
poignardetranger: C. just a really big computer Geek
poignardetranger: you're prolly C
gray shame: could it be that i'm not afraid to socialize
gray shame: rather that i don't relate verywell and therefore find it unfulfilling
gray shame: so seek out activities that i do find fulfilling?
poignardetranger: you just answered me
gray shame: good
poignardetranger: you don't initiate
poignardetranger: you don't see a reason
gray shame: true
poignardetranger: unfulfilling attributes can be eye opening experiences
gray shame: if they were eye opening they would be fulfilling
poignardetranger: nope
poignardetranger: u are backwards
poignardetranger: that is y u dont look
poignardetranger: u must take it upon yourself to see the good, or best in everything
poignardetranger: then you will truly appreciate everything you have
gray shame: you are on this the glass if half full thing
gray shame: is*
poignardetranger: everything u have going for you
gray shame: i think youre brainwashed
poignardetranger: and
poignardetranger: bla bla blah, right
gray shame: happines is not reality
gray shame: not to say that sadness is either
gray shame: i'd say theres neither
gray shame: i'd say teres really nothing
gray shame: nothing at all.. so no purpose inseeing the best or the worst in anything
gray shame: it is what it is
poignardetranger: existentialist
gray shame: haveyou read the stranger
poignardetranger: im checking
poignardetranger: hold on
poignardetranger: no
poignardetranger: but i have read the outsider
poignardetranger: u?
gray shame: no i want to read more camus
gray shame: but i think he might get too into it
gray shame: and then i'd be turned off
gray shame: i hate when it seems as though they tried too hard
poignardetranger: writers?
gray shame: no
gray shame: just whoever is presenting an idea
gray shame: do you midn if i post our conversation ?
gray shame: i liked it
poignardetranger: i ask u
poignardetranger: brain washed from what
poignardetranger: i do not read religious articles
poignardetranger: i do not watch television
poignardetranger: i was brainwashed when i did
poignardetranger: i realized that years ago
poignardetranger: i did have life altering experiences though
poignardetranger: so if i am brainwashed
poignardetranger: helped me find teh source
gray shame: no
gray shame: just brainwashed bythis idea of happiness
gray shame: its e verywhere
poignardetranger: u deprees me
gray shame: all kinds of people are on that
poignardetranger: j/k
gray shame: im not pushing sadness either tho u know
gray shame: everyone assumes if u arent happy
gray shame: then ur just sad
poignardetranger: u cant stay the same 4eva
poignardetranger: though u may think it
gray shame: why not
gray shame: can you stay positive forever?
poignardetranger: in a sense
poignardetranger: sure
poignardetranger: i have the power to overcome everything that hits me everyday
poignardetranger: it wrks
gray shame: so youre lke
gray shame: tony robbins
poignardetranger: nope
poignardetranger: only eccentric to some degree
poignardetranger: he is evil
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