photoash tagged me for this meme, so look for answers (not to the meaning of life or anything, but to the meme) under the cut.
Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to answer these questions about yourself. At the end, tag 10 people to answer this set of questions.
1. What is one of the most embarrassing things that has ever
happened to you?
Something embarrassing . . . I'll go back to 7th grade, like Ash did in her answer set. Phys Ed humiliates everyone eventually, right? Well, after running laps around the basketball court during phys ed (I'm no athlete), I had an exertional asthma attack and was sent down to the locker room with my archnemesis. This little bitch always ran in a pack, so I couldn't pass up the opportunity to confront her about her bitch-affliction when I had her all to myself in the locker room, but the gasping for air kind of ruined the effect of my reaming her out. When I think back, I figure that I must have seemed pretty lame. (=_=)
2. What is one guilty pleasure that you indulge in?
Geh. Something I feel guilty about . . . that is also a pleasure . . . wow. Breathing? Okay. Unbridled snideness.
3. What was your favorite show as a child?
As a child, my favorite show was Dukes of Hazzard.
4. How much time a day do you spend on Facebook?
5. How old were you when you fell in love for the first time?
Probably 16, but the guy didn't turn out to be the guy I fell for--the guy I fell for never really existed, I think.
6. Do you collect anything?
Sure. I consider the books, music, and movies I buy and everything that I download and save or put on a DVD as part of my various collections.
7. What is your favorite song?
This honestly depends on my mood. These are the songs that I can't stop replaying on my iPod lately: "All These Things That I've Done" by The Killers, "Straight To You" by Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds, and "Fake Plastic Trees" by Radiohead.
8. Have you ever written a sappy love poem?
Of course. I was 14 once; every juvenile girl fancies herself a poet at some point in her development, doesn't she?
9. How different is your adult life from what you imagined it to be at 16?
I haven't been able to envision my future since I realized that I lived in the real world, not TV world. By the age of 16, I thought I would probably be dead by now through some sort of nuclear war or vehicular accident.
10. If you could stay any age for the rest of your life, what would it be?
I'd be four. My only memories of perfect happiness happened because I was too young to understand the subtext of complex conversations or realize harsh facts of life.
I'm tagging people [or Russian bots >_>] whom I do not know, who have friended me, and whom I have not friended back (yet). This action will remind you of my existence on your watch list, so un-friend me if you've a mind to do so. Comment here that you've posted the meme to your journal. I'll take a look.