Inaugural Post

Oct 13, 2010 00:18

“Don’t the great tales never end?”
“They never end as tales.”
--J.R.R. Tolkien, The Return of the King

Hello All!

Welcome to Great Tales, a livejournal community for gen-het fan fiction and fan art.

I hope this comm will be a fun place for sharing and discussing our work.  As it grows, we will set up challenges, etc. to encourage the creation of new fic and artwork, but please consider posting some of your old work here as well to get things started.

Of course, without any guidelines what starts as fun can turn into chaos, so please see under the lj cut for posting rules.



These are defined fairly broadly right now. They will be made more specific if the need arises.

General Posting

1. Posts may deal with the production of fan fiction and fan art or the fandoms themselves.
2. Posts and comments may at times deal with mature issues, but those issues must be discussed in a language-free, under-age friendly way.
3. Please introduce your topic, and then put the body of your post under an lj-cut, so as not to clutter the journal page.
4. Posts must be properly tagged. In particular, be sure to tag the fandom(s) under discussion, and in the case of art or fic, an author tag (contact the moderators to create one).
5. Posts and comments must be respectful. There is to be no bashing of other fandoms or fan works. You may thoughtfully criticize, but do so in a civilized manner.

Fan Art Posting

1. All fan art should be slash-free and safe for work.
2. Post art with this heading, and then put the art itself under an lj-cut:

Author's Notes:

Fan Fiction Posting

1. This is a gen-het community. As such, while your work may include romance, hurt/comfort, angst, etc. that should not be the sole focus of the work. This is a judgment call, of course. If your fic furthers the “great tales” in some way, it should be fine. If you have a question about your fic, please contact the mods.2. Fics rated up to and including R are allowed on this site, but gratuitous violence, language, or sexuality is not. That is to say, the elements of the story that necessitate the R rating must play an integral part in your story, and must not be the focus of your story. If your story is rated above PG, you must clearly indicate the rating, and the reason for the rating in your heading.
3. Explicit sex is not allowed.
4. No slash of any rating is allowed.
5. Post all fiction with this heading, and put the text under an lj-cut:

Word Count:
Author's Notes:

!mod post, rules, welcome

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