Did you ever hear what I told you? Did you ever read what I wrote you?

Jan 02, 2009 17:35

Ganked from verdaera, to while away the hours (and I'm not exaggerating much) I'll be waiting in the Aggramar queue before my Naxx raid *sigh*.

Note that I will continue to use my habit of avoiding names of individuals (for the most part), using their lj tags or initials instead, to protect the anonymity of all parties involved. Takes part of the fun out of it, I suppose, but the Internet has a long memory.

1. Who was your FIRST prom date?
Technically went with two girls (RO and S...damn, can't remember her last name off the top of my head), though they were attending together (not as a couple) and I was the third wheel. Really, we were just a group of friends attending our senior prom (S's junior prom, I suppose) together. I enjoyed it more than I thought I would, glad they talked me into going. Plus, the image of me walking in with a pretty girl on either arm was worth the price of admission. :D

2. What was your FIRST alcoholic drink?
A screwdriver...except not quite. Vodka and Sunny Delight (for lack of orange juice at the time).

3. What was your FIRST job?
An after school job program my junior year in high school. Pay wasn't bad and it was generally easy work (mostly computer-related) and I didn't have to worry about transportation. Far better than no job at all.

4. What was your FIRST car?
1970 Chevrolet Townsman station wagon (affectionately referred to as 'Tiamat').

5. Who was the FIRST person to text you today?
First and only was matterntm. I don't get a lot of texts. Probably has something to do with the fact that I don't send too many, either.

6. Who is the FIRST person you thought of this morning?
I don't honestly remember, woke up feeling sick and my only thought was getting up and forcing myself not to call in. First person I thought of was probably my boss, sadly enough.

7. Who was your FIRST grade teacher?
Ms. Edlund, mebbe? No, I think she was second grade... *shrug* Drawing a blank.

8. Where did you go on your FIRST ride on an airplane?
A trip to Tucson from Florida when I was a toddler shortly after my eldest cousin was born but before my sister was. Obviously, I have no independent memory of the event.

9. Who was your FIRST best friend, and are you still friends with him / her?
Toss-up between JM and HL (in elementary school). I am completely out of touch with both and have been for years.

10. Who was your FIRST kiss?
JH, my first girlfriend, my sophomore year of high school, in the library as lunch was ending. Not that I remember much about the event, or anything... ;)

11. Who was the FIRST person you talked to today?
Myself. Funny (and quite sad) how often that's the case.

12. What was the FIRST thing you did this morning?
Technically speaking, I turned my first alarm off. More generally, I got ready for then went to work.

13. What was the FIRST concert you ever went to?
Def Leppard, the Adrenalize tour IIRC. I was in middle school at the time.

14. What was your FIRST tattoo or piercing?
None of the above. I've often thought of a cartilege piercing but can't have one where I work now. Not likely to get a tattoo, I like them but don't like pain much.

15. What was the FIRST foreign country you went to?
Mexico, but I was a toddler at the time and it was 'only' to Nogales, Sonora. Never made it out of the country, otherwise.

16. What was the FIRST movie you saw in the theater?
Disney's The Fox and the Hound.

17. When was your FIRST detention?
Had one in elementary school but I don't remember the circumstances. Not turning my homework in or something silly like that, definitely not behavior related.

18. What was the FIRST state you lived in?

19. Who was the FIRST person to really break your heart?
Hasn't really happened yet.

20. With whom was your FIRST date?
I can't quite count JH, as we never really went out on a date, per se. Probably the aforementioned RO, though it was after we graduated from high school.

21. What was your FIRST pet?
Andrew, a big old black cat.

22. Who was your FIRST roommate?
Technically speaking, matterntm. Never lived anyone else after moving out of my mom's house.

23. Who was your FIRST love?
SH. Unrequited, for the most part, though I think she held some feelings for me. Took years to get over her.

24. What was your FIRST screen name?
Not counting my Prodigy account (ye gods, I make myself feel old sometimes), Cthulhu19 was my first AOL screen name.

25. When did you have your FIRST baby?
Unless my cats count (they pretty much are my kids), I have to say I have no children as of yet.
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