Times Gone By

May 25, 2010 09:53

So long ago...

Oh, how proud we were, holding our little flags as we watched the young men march off to war. Drammakin Lake still with its natural ecosystem and a sky... From our home, at least, not yet as polluted as the city.

How things change.

From aquatic tranquility to the Lake Of Mutations...

How did I once describe it to Nyder? Ah yes - a chemical soup for a sky above, with a scarred, radioactive wasteland below. A glimpse into purgatory which we should have made paradise.

Were it not for the politicians.

A realm of expertise always favoured by my mother. One which circumstances forced me to more properly comprehend.

Yarvell... What pity I hold for you. Unable to truly see the value of the work needed.

I still owe you an apology, sister. You were right about the ruins.

I still wonder if fortune or calamity was to dictate Magrantine's reappearance there... In amongst the Varga, the mutos and assorted genetic detritus which, even then, had come to litter our planet with considerable abandon.

Shan... Even she came to hold your pacifist sympathies. So many did. It has been an age since I thought upon her, yet the similarities do not escape me.

The Supremo, the Council, Scientific Elite... Quested.

Even Ludella.

All of them. Gone the way of Skaro, itself and none of them had to. Wasted lives. There is no responsibility greater than that of potential and their own was squandered! We could have ended the war, renewed our landscape - put an end to the genetic stagnation which threatened our race!

All of it... All. Without exception. It taught me, it demonstrated the futility of those who would be content to exist as mere remnants. There is nothing so pre-ordained as the willingness of evolution to seek a clear and utter dominance of one form of life over all others.

The supreme.

The only.

I wonder, does this self-serving creature, the Admiral who inhabits this sealed little world between dimensions... Does it consider itself to be such an example? To have such power over not life and death, alone - but our very destinies...

Or were they, too, once also a captive of this place? Perhaps one who arose and took power to wield it for themselves.

Tar lubeck ka'leed uth ricta da'lek...
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