I frown upon the person who thought that he said earl... I mean unless your deaf in one ear and cant hear out the other, then you should hear that perfectly :D - Spock (Jason)
well i guess if thats how u feel, more power to ya. and good luck. as much as im hurt for actualy caring, i dont think i could ever stop caring. guess it sucks for me =/
yea...i know what you mean...every time i care, i get hurt. I knew it wasnt worth it before, i tried again, and was just proven right again. I can only be hurt so many times. It has already been to many.
damn, dat really sux, i know exaclty wat you mean, its either you care and dont do shit because u dont wanna ruin anything, or you dont care and just fuck em, i guess when you get hurt enough times, u turn into a lil pussy driven bitch that doesnt care, pretty funny how so many people hurt one another...if there was no jealousy or hate, people would b able to break up in the peacefulest of ways, but unfortunately, dat isnt happening, hope you get ur shit straightened out, otherwise ur gonna end up going and fucking the first bitch you see, lol, ttyl josh
lol...thats how i was, and it was qutie enjoyable....there is just so much pain, and i don't need that shit. So back to my old ways again. Sounds like fun!
i dont know who you are, and i dont give a flying fuck. I knwo u need afucking huge fat cock up your fucking asshole and you need to shut the fuck up. Fucking um guzzling slut. Go ride a fucking dick
Comments 11
- Spock (Jason)
Now THAT was HARD...!!!
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