Title: The Real Sadist
Rating: K+
Genre: Family, Hurt, Comfort (?)
Summary: 'Cause one way or another, she had to learn.
Notes: Written for
iu_fanfiction WC#31 Prompt: Sleeping Dragon.
Out of the blue. I just thought Fran needed some beating. Or let's just say I wanted to write some unhappy fics.
He just couldn’t be big brother now - not to an ingrate like me. )
Comments 2
I was a bit confused at the beginning with what was going on but I got it soon enough. Haha. My mind talaga.
Kind of reminds me of a soap opera. Rubi, was it? XD /shot
ILU, Mia. This was nicely-written. Keep it up!
I mean, I just wanted to write some other side to Fran. Other than the mischievous... pero. LOL. Ganun din, yung ending. xDD /shot.
Well, I'm not really familiar with local TV shows. >.<
ILU too, AL! Thank You!
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