Title: Breakdown
Characters // Pairings: Riku, Sora; Cloud, Squall // RikuSora, perhaps Cleon
Rating // Warnings: G // none
Canon: Kingdom Hearts AU
Wordcount: 498
Summary: Sora can't drive.
"I'll -- I'll --"
"But Rikuuuuuuuuuuu!"
And somehow, that had been enough to get them into this situation.
Riku sank further into the passengers' seat, only his feet propped against the dashboard visible by now from the outside. How had he been duped into this?
Sora had said they'd go to eat.
Sora had said they'd be back in an hour.
Sora hadn't said anything about the fact that he didn't drive well and that he was prone to running himself into fields and promptly breaking down there.
Not that he could blame Sora for the car breaking down, but he'd been on a roll.
He glared at his companion, who was still sitting in the seat beside him with an idiotic sort of 'oh my god what have I done' grin.
"Think about it this way," said Sora quickly, registering the glare and looking back out the window. "We might have ended up in the ditch. Then we'd be broke, too."
"I don't think I'd mind that," Riku said, cheerfully. The brunette wilted a little. Riku sighed. "Well, really, I would mind that. But did you have to lie to me? You could have just said where you wanted to go."
The brunette wilted even further. He mumbled something unintelligible.
The elder of the pair lifted a brow, sitting back up. "Again, please?"
"I GOT LOST, RIKU," said Sora loudly.
"No, I heard you the first time," smirked the silvery-haired boy, removing his shoes and leaning against the window so he could use his companion as a sort of foot rest. "I just wanted you to admit it again."
"That -- that's so mean!"
"You should have asked me where we were going," he replied instead. "I mean, there is a map in the dash we could always look at."
"There's a map?"
"It's my car, Sora, I don't want to get lost."
"Oh... so does this mean we can leave?"
"If you want to walk, sure. I don't know how to fix cars."
"... okay."
Riku blinked, a little incredulous. That was all? "'Okay'?"
"I like hanging out with Riku."
The elder of the boys sighed. "Something we could have done at home without getting lost and getting stuck in this field in the middle of nowhere."
"But I..."
"Shush. I'm not that offended. We'll just figure something out. Right now, sleep."
"I'm going to bed." Riku promptly shifted against the seat, shutting his eyes and ignoring the brunette.
"But it's cold!"
"Then come and sleep. We've got ages."
"... I guess..."
Later on, when they finally got home by way of one Cloud Strife happening to drive by on his way to visit a certain Mr Leonhart in the next town, and Sora announced that Riku snored a bit but he didn't mind because it was cute, Riku was once again ready to hit the kid.
Hit him, then go back to bed.