Title: Viva La Vida
Characters // Pairings: Apprentices, DiZ // none
Rating // Warnings: G // none
Canon: Birth by Sleep?
Wordcount: 148
Summary: Past and present.
A young man with a long ponytail, carefully slicing their microscopic subjects so that he might observe the insides.
A tall man, hair knotted into dreadlocks; he waits outside the laboratory, waits for his time.
A scrawny sort of man, green eyes alive with knowledge -- thoughts consume him.
A tower, his large shoulders holding the weight of so much more than just himself.
A teen, barely out of boyhood, poring over tomes larger than he is in a pursuit of knowledge he may never find.
And an apprentice. A true apprentice, one he counts on, one who would die for his master and his friends.
Instead, they are alone. Broken hearts bleeding on a ballroom floor.
DiZ stares hard at the computer monitor.
A line occurs to him -- a lyric, a poem, a fable.
It doesn't matter, really.
But that was when I ruled the world.