Title: shivering in space
we have to go backSummary: [AU fusion crossover with "Samurai Jack" and other sci fi stuff, including "Star Wars."] Ricardo, Jacob, Miles, Daniel, Charlotte, and Naomi hijack a spaceship while rescuing Frank.
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Richard, Miles, Dan/Charlotte, Naomi, Frank, Jacob
Rating: PG-13
Notes: For
valhalla37's prompt "Tropes" at the 2010 Lost Luau at
lostsquee. AU and fusion crossovers are on TVTropes.org, so this continuation of another luau fic
valhalla37 kindly commented on already seems to fit. And I could seriously do a bunch of fic in this 'verse to meet this prompt.... Anyway, this part gets even more "Star Wars" IMHO.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything related to Lost.
ETA: Fixing fanfic continuity. Only Ricardo/Richard can hold the sword (with Jacob's soul attached) through further supernatural hijinks, but in a small careless detail I have Daniel holding it for the briefest moments, but even that's supposed to impossible--so, I'm just fixing it so that only Richard can lift the sword. Hopefully I'll soon get to the right point to explain why that happens.
Ricardo ran his hands up and down his arms, trying to warm them.
Watching him, Miles snapped, "Ricardo, space is cold."
"It wasn't when we first went up," snapped the swordsman, shooting the ghost whisperer a glare.
"Well, the heater's out on this scrap heap," said Frank up front, piloting as usual.
"Scrap heap indeed; there aren't any blankets stocked," muttered Naomi as she returned from her search of the hijacked ship for supplies. They had one of their own before--but that had been trashed when they'd run into more bounty hunters after Ricardo, and only Jacob could get him out of his guilty funk in time for them to continue their grand "Rescue Frank's Ass" plot.
Soon, all eyes (except Frank's) fell on Daniel and Charlotte in the corner, cuddling together.
Before any sort of jealousy could really set in, Dan looked up and said innocently, "Come on guys…y'know, body warmth and--"
"Oh god, how the hell did we end up in a chick flick?" But all the same, Miles went over to Dan and Charlotte along with a nonchalant Naomi. Ricardo first went to Frank though, taking off his coat and settling it on the pilot's shoulders.
Frank grunted; "Most ships are equipped with heating, but we still get training in dealing with cold just for situations like this." But Ricardo still silently left him with the coat, and Frank made no further protest, quietly accepting it. Then Ricardo walked over and settled next to Miles, who was next to Dan, with Charlotte still by his side, and with Naomi next to her now.
"Makes me wish I had a camera."
"Shut up Frank," snarled Miles at their smirking pilot. His eyes then fell on the coat left with Frank. Noting all the extra stitches in it, Miles said, with a sidelong glance at Ricardo, "Man, you should just get a new one and leave that sucker in peace."
"It's one of the few things I have left from my original time," Ricardo softly growled.
"And your shirt? Jesus, I saw that ripped off when you saved our asses from those beetle bots, and you still wasted time fixing that back up again--"
"Um, Miles?" Dan sheepishly tried to interrupt, tapping the other man on the shoulder. "Don't you think you should--?"
"Since when are you so interested in my choice in fashion?" Ricardo snapped, back stiff and dark eyes glaring at Miles.
"Since it's a dead giveaway to any half-brained bounty hunter that you're Esau's Public Enemy Number One on Earth--"
"Boys--" began Charlotte, calling over Dan's shoulder, but the two just went on.
"Why the hell should I bother hiding at this point--?"
"Oh yeah, there's a brilliant idea--y'know, for some badass fighter, you're too fuckin' sentimental--"
"Enough," ordered Naomi, and Jacob from his sheath, simultaneously.
Ricardo and Miles complied, though they still glared at each other.
Charlotte rolled her eyes, Daniel pinched his nose with his eyes closed, and Naomi shot Miles a warning look when he finally said, "Glad you could join us, Jacob. You've been weirdly silent for a while."
Not missing a beat, Jacob's voice drifted from the sword with an acid tone; "Oh, I was just busy wondering what it would be like to be 'cold' again. Must be nice."
That shut Miles up, and everyone else--there was a very awkward silence afterward.
All five of them huddled closer, their breath coming out in puffs. But Ricardo still seemed the most cold; though still irritated with Miles, he drew in closer and closer to the other man--perhaps that was a little petty revenge there, but Miles didn't seem to mind, intent on ignoring the swordsman.
But Daniel noticed how uncomfortable Ricardo still looked, and after whispering something in Charlotte's ear that made her look faintly annoyed, he shuffled over and settled on the other side of the swordsman, so that he was now between two bodies. Still with some irritation in her eyes, Charlotte stuck with Dan, settling her head back on his shoulder. Miles would've made some kind of comment, but he was too silently gratified that Naomi just shuffled in closer to him instead of moving back next to Charlotte.
But the red head did mutter what Miles was thinking; "You're coddling him."
"I, well--Ricardo's still new to space...."
"Just because we have the technology, doesn't mean all of us have gone up 24/7--"
"I didn't say that--besides, we knew that was possible, Ricardo had no idea--"
Ricardo himself had started to slump down the wall, Miles smirking at him as Charlotte and Dan continued to bicker.
Jacob softly said to Miles and Ricardo, "Apparently you two are contagious."
Then some light turned red and started to beep, and Frank muttered a curse.
Naomi immediately stood up and walked over to Frank, hand braced against his chair.
"Yeah, we've just got two hostiles on our tail."
The rest got up and joined them, as Naomi continued, "Are they from the prison?"
Examining the readout and images on one of the ship's computer screens, Frank shook his head. "Nah, I think they're just pirates."
Frank began flicking buttons, and he ordered the rest, "Hold onto something, I'm setting this baby into Overdrive, no way we're getting into a fight right now--"
Bracing themselves, they waited, and--
"Oh, hell."
Charlotte shot him an incredulous look. "Don't tell me it's--"
"Yeah, it's busted," Frank answered grimly, as he viciously twisted the ship to the left, and through the windshield they saw a laser narrowly miss them.
"We should really look more closely at the next ship we hijack," Jacob commented, and Ricardo looked like he dearly wished to bang his head against the wall.
Naomi immediately began snapping out commands; "Charlotte, you're with me on the weapons system. Dan, Miles, Ricardo, go down and get that Overdrive working."
Immediately the women went up to the shooter cockpits, while the men went down to the engine room.
"A whole piece is missing, how can a whole fuckin' piece go missing?!"
"Miles, calm--"
"Dan, we're under attack from pirates, and the only valuable thing they'll find is Ricardo and his stupid sword--"
"We're standing right here, and I have a name."
"Guys--" and Daniel ran his eyes over Miles and Ricardo and even Jacob in his sheath. "We just need to find something this length--" and he gestured to the conspicuous gap in the engines, "some kind of metal bar that'll conduct the energy for the Overdrive and complete the circuit--"
Miles' CommLink crackling, Frank's voice asked, "How we doing down there?"
"Don't bother us!" Miles snarled, muting his CommLink and setting it on vibrate.
"Let's look in the ship's recycling compartment," suggested Daniel, and Miles nodded--but Ricardo shook his head.
"Jacob's the right length," and Ricardo began removing sword and sheath from his belt.
"What--no, use the sheath--" Jacob immediately protested, and Ricardo rolled his eyes.
"All right, all right," he muttered, pulling the sword out.
Daniel immediately zeroed in on Jacob, silently measuring the blade and its sheath, then nodding his head excitedly. "That could work." Ricardo immediately passed the sheath to Daniel, and the physicist quickly began fitting the sheath in the gap--but as the engine reacted and began to push on it as part of its normal procedure, the sheath began to crack. Daniel yanked it out.
"Figures," muttered Jacob as Ricardo immediately fitted the sword into the engine's gap, while the now slightly cracked sheath clattered to the metal floor. This time, when the ship reacted to the makeshift conduit and pushed on it, the sword held firm.
"Well, that's what you get for being invincible," said Miles, smirking, after he had told Frank to get them the hell out of here.
"Being reduced to an engine part in a decrepit stolen ship?"
Before Miles could quip anything back, the ship shook violently as the Overdrive was initiated, sending him and Daniel and Ricardo slamming into the floor. But a bright, flickering red light poured over them; Ricardo was the first to crack his eyes open after his shoulder had banged painfully--his eyes widened as he saw red, glowing symbols shift across the length of the sword. Once his mind wrapped around that, he recognized they were Arabic numbers: 4 8 15 16 23 42....
Just as abruptly as the Overdrive started, it stopped suddenly, the ship jerking to a halt, and the three men slid across the floor and straight into a wall. But all of them were still too surprised to really register renewed pain. As the Overdrive had stopped, the red light of the numbers on the sword had faded away, and Jacob looked normal again.
"Did you see--?" Daniel began, and Ricardo helped him up.
At the same time, Ricardo looked at the sword still roughly hooked up to the engine, whose voice began to say unsteadily, "Ricardus, I…I think I--"
"See Jacob turn into a fuckin' night-light digital clock? Hell yes," and Miles climbed to his feet, shooting the blade a wary and puzzled look.
"--Ricardus, I think I felt something--I think it was warmth, or…or lightning…I think it was burning…Daniel, you said I would c-conduct the energy for the Overdrive, right?"
"Yeah, and that…that rush of energy must've registered with you, and caused that...that reaction--what was that--?"
"I don't know." Everyone stared at the sword.
In a much more annoyed voice, Jacob repeated, "I. Don't. Know. I don't know every detail about this vessel--and what did you mean I looked like a clock?"
"There were numbers on your body, Jacob," answered Ricardo, stepping forward and running his fingers along the length of the blade, where the aforementioned numbers had appeared. But the sword felt smooth; he felt no engravings for those numbers, not even traces of paint. "'4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42'…does that mean anything to you, Jacob?"
Quietly, the sword said, "No."
Daniel piped up, adding, "They add up to 108--what about that?"
"Not ringing any bells either." Sighing, Jacob asked, "Now, can I get down? Or am I stuck here until you find a better substitute?"
But Charlotte raced down and pulled Dan into a hug, kissing him, before anyone could answer Jacob's question.
"You were brilliant!"
"We were there too, y'know," muttered Miles.
"I'm stuck in the engine," said the sword indignantly.
Looking over Daniel's shoulder, to Jacob in the engine and with Ricardo beside him, Charlotte asked, "What--?"
And so they started to explain, but stopped when Naomi came down, and then they restarted for both her and Charlotte.
After that, Naomi and Miles went up to explain to Frank the weird occurrence, while Charlotte and Daniel stayed to try asking Jacob and Ricardo more questions, but after they noted the growing frustration and exhaustion in both the time travelers' voices, they backed off.
They were about to return to the cabin and leave Ricardo and Jacob alone like they clearly wanted, when Daniel noticed the other man's shiver as he sat down on the metal floor below the sword. Charlotte rolled her eyes, but joined Daniel on the other side of Ricardo, the two scientists ensconcing the swordsman on both sides.
Bowing his head, Ricardo thanked them in a small voice.
After a few minutes, Miles momentarily popped his head out of the door, and asked, "Anyone wanna try using Jacob to fix the heater?"
"Shut up, Seer," growled the sword.