Work things

Oct 17, 2008 23:32

1. I recently found out that one of my project managers and my department manager went to the same high school as me. They both interviewed me for my job, too. I wonder if they had some type of subconscious awareness of that. Go Dons?

2. I also recently found out that one of the people I work closely with has a fraternal twin sister like I do! So incredible! They are both engaged, but one is to a man and one is to a woman. That's fraternal all right.

3. My annual performance review was earlier this week. Personally, I thought I did a less than par job this year on the whole, but apparently everyone else thought I "exceeded expectations". Oh, and my boss is going to recommend me for a promotion. So maybe that means I can continue getting into work around lunch time. Yay! If it ain't broke, don't fix it, right? :p

4. About two months ago, I set a goal to get out of my current job by the end of next year. I was so frustrated and "over it". Today I received an e-mail from a client. She forwarded me a job description for a position at a water conservation agency, a place I considered looking into for a job and whose people I've met before. And its office is a 5 minute walk away from my mom's work. (We could meet up in between at Starbucks for drinks! Ha!) A 5 minute walk in the other direction is one of my best friend's house. And its starting salary is almost $10K more than what I'm earning now. But *sigh* I'm feeling better about my present job and I'm not as eager to leave as I was before. If only I could hold that job in my pocket for another 6 months and see how I feel. Why such bad timing?!

5. I have a huge exam next weekend. It is 13 hours long, spanning two days, and will be at the Cow Palace. FUN TIMES. This is what preparing and studying for this exam has done to my dining table.

I am so not ready. But it comes in four parts, and I can pass one part at a time. After I pass all parts, I will become a professional civil engineer in the State of California. Not that I really want or need to be one, but I might as well.
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