It seems things are looking a little up since I was actually able to get some sleep last night.
Spent a goodly chunk of time at the hospital last night because I was bleeding out my backside. I had been on Skype with Chris and
fwifo and I kept needing to run to the bathroom. Finally looked down later and noticed it was just a whole lot of blood and I was getting dizzy. At first, I hadn't thought much of it since it's that time right now anyway...but then I noticed the massive quantity of it and where most of it was coming from. Not good.
So I called Telehealth Ontario and told them how much Biaxin was prescribed for me. They asked me how much I'd had to eat and drink and what I was diagnosed with as well as all my other health information. When they found out how many prescribed medications I was on and that I was very sick and by myself (i.e. no one to help me around the house, make food, make sure even in dizziness that I was still drinking liquids, etc), they were pretty upset but there was nothing I could do about that. They said I hadn't had enough to eat and drink so the Biaxin was ripping up my stomach and causing me to bleed a lot internally, so I had to go to the hospital to make sure there was no permanent damage. They also told me there was a ratio of how much to eat for each 500 mg of Biaxin I take...which happens to be a lot. This is bad since I'm not hungry at all and if I eat too much I feel nauseous. Turns out there's a fine balance with Biaxin on this scale. YOu have to eat enough to protect your stomach but not so much that the Biaxin doesn't make you throw up. Yargh. Also, apparently, soup isn't good's great as a liquid and such, but unless it's chunky and full of lots of stuff to eat (not just liquid to slurp), then it won't help your stomach to protect itself from the Biaxin.
SO...I get to carefully monitor how much I eat and drink today. The doctor at the hospital gave me a chart to use to ensure that I eat and drink just the right balance so I manage okay. I've stuck it to the fridge. He also gave me a list of foods that will be better for me, which I have at home (good since I didn't want to go out again today).
At least even with the blood loss, it didn't actually make me sicker. I sound terrible and congested, but I can feel everthing coming together and making it's way out with less and less to replace it.
I also actually slept last night once I got home. I only woke up once and that was a HUGE blessing. So I feel a little better today....even if I do have a headache from the blood loss. Lots of O.J. for me today.
I really hope I'm doing a LOT better by tomorrow since it's the first day of school. Either way, I think I'm going to bed by 10 pm. If I don't, I won't get enough sleep to endure tomorrow. I'm totally going to wind up making all my classmates sick, but I've been told I have to attend regardless.
So much for the doctor's note saying I shouldn't be around people until Wednesday.