&&& My mom got chrismated today - she's orthodox now! ((: It was a neat little ceremony and afterwards we went to Olive Garden & had TONSOFFUN. <3333333333@Maria! xDDD Ohgosh. Singing songs from musical sand movies loudly in the back of OG is excellant. Even John joined in, which was hilarious. I ate so muchhh.
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As I was going to St. Ives, I met a man with seven wives! Each wife had sevensacks, Each sack and seven cats, Each cat had seven kits. Kits, cats, sacks, wives, How many were going to St. Ives?
flibbertygibbet ilovemyboyfriend. <3333333333 he just called to say he loved me and goodnight. -just- to say that. andandand we're going out for icecream tomorrow night too heheheheeee! aw. adoration is bliss.
If you're bored, help me find out where I can buy Açaí berries and/or Quinoa online. xD Search them - they're both ridiculously healthy. I'm cool with plant or fruit/grain form. Not so much medicine or capsules.