prestons fuck ass change my fuckin layout and i didnt type that last update. there was no way i could at that time it was posted bcuz i didnt have a computer at the time cuz my mom fucked it up and yesterday we juct got a new one. so it wasnt me.preston ur a dickface.
hey guyz im n seattle right now. there is a big family reunion goin on. it pretty cool. theres at least 25 families.about 80 people. yeah a shit load. yeah seattle is pretty sweet. im goin back home monday cuz i got
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hey bitches i just woke up an still tired as fuck. today is probably gonna be anotha borin day. i finaly got my internet.fuck yeah. nothin interestin happen lately.well i gotta go eat lunch.
hey guyz im in arizona right now, it is hot as hell its 115 degrees. i miss u sydney so much. weve been ridin in the car for seven days cuz my parent wanted to go see some national parks an shit, it was so boring. were not gettin to nevada til july 5. it sux ass. but i gotta go.