Hello and welcome to the first annual Greek Valentine's Day fic exchange hosted by
greekrow and modded
stealstheashes and
allthespoons. The way it works is that you write a story (minimum word count: 1000 words!) for someone and you get a story in return. Easy, right? All you have to do is reply to this screened sign up entry by filling out the following sign-up form so we can match you! Sign-ups are due by January 8th and your assignments will be sent as soon as possible!
Sign up form:
AOOO Name: [your AOOO name here- if you don't have one yet, put the name you will get an AOOO account with here. This is needed for the uploading process!]
Livejournal name: [your livejournal name here]
Email: [your email here]
Pairings/Characters I Would Like a Story About: [list as many pairings and or characters as you'd like here. Please list a minimum of three characters and/or pairings]
Prompt: [Any additional details or prompts you would like to include. You can include multiple prompts! This is also a good place to let your author know if you have any squicks or triggers you'd like them to avoid.]
Pairings/Characters I'll Write: [list the pairings/characters you'd prefer to write]
Pairing I won't write: [one pairing that you will not write under any circumstances]
Choose one option from the following:
- I have an AOOO account/I need an AOOO account
- I am interested in pinch hitting/I am not interested in pinch hitting
For your copy-pasting ease, feel free to use this box:
Other Important Information:
In order to upload the stories anonymously, we will be using the Archive of Our Own; further uploading instructions will be available before it is time to upload! Stories must be uploaded by February 11th. You can read the stories starting on February 14th and authors will be revealed on February 24th.
Questions or comments are welcome here (where they will be unscreened as we receive them, so please include them separately from your signup) or by email to greekrowmod (at) gmail (dot) com. Let us know if you've thought of anything we've missed and don't forget to pimp this out to your friends! We welcome your participation!